WebSite X5Help Center

marc G.
marc G.

Website X5 Evolution , account receives no emails from customers  en

Author: marc G.
Visited 1026, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Ive been using Website X5 evolution 10, for several years. My customers, register over my website for my products. In the past, I havent received emails (registations) from customers with Yahoo or AOL email adresses, ive tried to rectify this prpblem to no avail, thus have lived with it.

Starting recently, I dont receive any registrations from any email adresses anymore, so cusomers register for my camps, but I receive no information that they have registered. I spent alot of time with my provider to no avail, as they say the problem must lie with website X5 evolution 10. If anyone can help me solve this problem, help would be greatly appreciated....

  The problem in a nutshell, I receive no registation emails,(customers registering on my website registation page) normal emails to my acount work,but not registations....

Thanks Marc

Posted on the
Elisa B.

Hi there,

thank you for getting in touch.

Please consider that unfortunately the direct technical support for version 10 is no longer available. More information is available here:

Please don't worry, you can still get help for this issue: please let this message set as public, so to give the moderators and the users the possibility to comment and help you out.

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marc, the problem is possibly the version of php being offered by, sadly your version 10 does not support current versions of PHP. In short I do not believe there is a problem with your project, it is just that the technolgy WX5 V10 uses is no longer supported by your host.

My personal recommendation is to purchase (& register) WX5 Evo. Unfortunately you can no longer upgrade/import from V10, you will need assistance (we can help) to import your v10 into v11 or later, you can then import your project into the current version.

However, most people with such old software simply start again (using copy and paste to move content from the old project/published site to the new). This way your website will use current web standards and you will be able to take advantage of the new and improved features without having to deal with legacy problems.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

For what it's worth, these are some of the changes between v10 and 2019, the most revolutionary was responsive websites :-)      - enjoy.

Start »
Since 2009...
9, 10 and 11
WebSite X5 started generating HTML5 code since version 9. When version 10 was released, the Professional edition was born. Meanwhile, we introduced Web Fonts and moved our first steps towards compatibility with mobile devices. We improved the program with new functions and released the first Optional Objects: today, Templates and Objects, are in the Marketplace catalog. Use them to bring your projects to the next level.
...what next?
12, 13 and 14
Having a desktop and a mobile version of a website was becoming less and less acceptable: version 12 of WebSite X5 introduces responsive design and websites become perfect on any device. People start being confident with online shopping and consequently the WebSite X5 e-commerce engine becomes more powerful: thanks to the WebSite X5 Manager App dealing with websites and products becomes a piece of cake.
Plus, your web pages are more attractive thanks to all the improvements applied to the interface, to the templates and to the graphic design. One of all: the parallax effect.
Follow the magic »
15, 16 and 17
WebSite X5 was like an old car with a very powerful engine: it was time to give the software a new design that could make the website creation process easier and more intuitive. Plus, two burning issues were taking place: privacy and data protection on the one hand and optimization for Search Engines on the other. WebSite X5 version 16 includes the necessary tools to comply with the legal requirements connected to privacy. At the same time, many new updates, including the introduction of the AMP technology for the blog, keep up with the standards required by Google and other engines.
Interesting! Continue »
Version 2019
Once the tools for the creation of responsive websites including e-commerce, blog and any other necessary functions had been introduced, we carried on developing the software by focusing on its graphic rendering and performances. The new features include a completely new template library, the full height function for a modern one-page websites or the new Content Slider object. Now-a-days web pages shouldn't only be good-looking, but also quick to load, so we also improved the code and introduced new options to comply with these requirements.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
marc G.
marc G.

Hi Thanks Elisa B. and Esahc ..

 Its just puzzing that it suddenly stopped working in the last month or 2, despite me changing nothing. is my provider, they offer a website building "kit" there, that I was considering, not sure if a new website would solve the problem though, what do you think ?

  If I upgrade to WX5 Evo,as you recomend,would this solve theproblem in your opinion? What are the differences

in the programs ? Will the website look different, or have different functions ?

Thanks in advance....


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Posted on the from marc G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marc, whether your website looks different or not will be your choice. With website X5 v10 what you have is probably as good as it will get. With the current version you get automatic responsive site for mobiles, you get to choose what your new site looks like with little effort (new templates), you get parallax background images, you get better SEO, you get a website compatible with all browsers and you almost certainly get reliable feedback and registration confirmations.

You also get support from Incomedia!!

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
marc G.
marc G.

Hi Esahc 

How would I go about ordering WebsiteX5 Version 10 ? Is it a 1 time fee, or yearly fee ?

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Posted on the from marc G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marc, you can not purchase WX5 V10 (and you would not want to), it is way too old and out of date.

Any purchase of WX5 is a one off price. You purchase it and it is yours to use forever. For 12 months you will receive any updates and even new versions. At the end of the 12 months you can choose to keep using what you have or pay for another 12 months of updates and new versions, there is usually a significant discount if you renew.

You can purchase the current versions here

If your version is  registered you can click on your profile (top right, this page) and select Your Offers also.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..