Export Project Problems 
Author: Branko P.I did make a project and everything looks fine to me. I saved the project with option 3 in step 5, everything looks fine. Than i formated my comp.
The results are - i cant open my projects anymore, i waste the daayyysss of work....My page is now on thewww.plesnitecaj.si but i cant operate with it. i belive that this can hapend to anyone who will formate the comp.
when you will try to open the saved project. you will get the answer:
an error occurred while loading the projeckt. An item with the same key has allready been added.
and nothing you can do about.
when i´ve got the importing answer, i belive that this is not a big problem, so i post the problem and nobody know what that message ACTUALY MEAN.
than you will have a headache too.
Can you trust the website x5 v9 ??? rather not, belive me !!!!! why ???? because the help suport is grrrrr unusefull !!!
My, allmoste 7 days, 24 ours of work are gone!
V9 - really needs help
Thank you, Branko Podergajs.
. . . seems a little bit strange - i imported several projects (after reading the info provided by Incomedia [see attached]) and with a little of *adaption work* all is fine . . .
I allready start creation project from begining, đ[ 6666
Sorry for post above.
i allread start creating the project from begining. Everything looks fine for now. i tried to transfer project to another comp and for now i still can open it. i hope that new operation system is solve the probelm.
Before i had win 7 - home editions (SLO language), now i have win 7 - ultimate (EN - language on the same comp and work fine.
i still have the old project file, but i still cant import to v9 or v8.
Thank you for pdf.
I have the same problems.I guess it is because My item_name uses Chiness,not English
It causes the problem.the backup file can not open again
so I can not transfer to another computer.
I have the same problem. I'm building the site in Chinese, but can't copy the project to another PC.
Hello Y HL and Sophia, please open a new post providing more info about what you are doing. Moreover it is important to know if you are using version 8 or version 9. I remind you that version 8 doesn't support chinese charset. Thank you.