Problem with Logo Slider 
Author: John H.Hi,
I am having some problems with the Logo Slider Object.
When I make any change to my website, not including anything to do with the logo slider, and then upload the files - the logo slider stops working on every page I have it installed. It turns into a static vertical strip (down the centre of the page).
I then have to go back and open and close all the logo slider objects and then reload the page to the internet. Everything works fine after that.
I am running the latest version of Website X5 Pro 2022.2.6, which is another story on its own. Way slower than the previous version. Few bugs still need to be ironed out.
I like the Logo Slider idea but if I have to keep remembering to go in and click on these objects it is not worth having.
This is the second object I have purchased that doesn't work as advertised. LOL
Any help or comments appreciated.
Hello. I just tried to replicate your situation. But didn't find any problem.
What version of PHP do you have? Send a screenshot of the object's settings. Please provide a link to the site's homepage with the slider.
Thanks Aleksej,
Next time it happens again I will post a screenshot here. Will be updating system on 01 August so we may get the problem again. Strange though once I go back in and click on the logo slider objects it comes good again.
PHP version 7.3.33 should I get the hosting people to upgrade to 7.4?
Thanks again for your help.
This also happens with the image-zoom-object. (always)
And for the before-after comparison. (sometimes)
It makes using these objects impossible. Please fix it.
The image-zoom simply disappeared (I now have made a clickable image that opens in a new window) and the comparison only shows an image.
"PHP version 7.3.33 should I get the hosting people to upgrade to 7.4?" - I would recommend 7.4 minimum, and 8.0 is better.
"It makes using these objects impossible. Please fix it." - I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hi John,
in order to better analyze the issue, I would please ask you to provide the link to the website, as well as a screenshot to show the issue?
Thanks! Kind regards.
As I wrote earlier, I removed the zoom-object, so I cannot give a link to it.
The before-after is on this page and at the moment it is functioning:
Hi Elisa and Aleksej,
First of all thanks for your replies, I appreciate it.
I have done a delete all files on the Server and reloaded fresh Website X% files.
I have also had the Hosting people upgrade my PHP version 8.0 and all seems to be working again.
If I have any further issues I will report again.
Thanks again for prompt help.
Kind regards,
John H