In the email form attachment doesnt support pdf/Doc files. Why? 
Author: Mr Shine
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Hi all, I try on mywebsite to make a form where the client need to upload their CV or diploma though the attachment file. But when i fill the form and test it. it says doc formaat or pdf is not supported? Isnt that the whole purposse of a attachment?? It makes me very annoyed to be honest.
Is there any other way to do this? I also see that there is a pdf file upload options but how can I combine that with the email? so I receive everything together when the users ent the form to me? thank in advance
Posted on the
contact form, file attach
se specifichi le estensioni, gli utenti potranno allegare SOLO quei tipi di file specificati...
se lasci vuoto il campo, qualunque tipo di estensione...