Segregated community 
Author: Andy W.What I am about to suggest goes against everything I stand for! However, it concerns me that at least 2 moderators and one user has taken offence when I post in my native language, English.
I love that I can engage with people from all over the world and offer assistance. For the most-part, users seem to appreciate a quick response and speedy solution regardless of the language that it is written.
While we don’t yet have the universal translator of the Sci-Fi series Star Trek, we are pretty damn close; for those that haven’t enabled auto-translate, understanding is just 1 right-click away!
However, for a small minority, and for reasons that I do not understand, this is not good enough. Therefore, I feel compelled to make the suggestion that support forums be separated by language.
Currently, when I log into the forum, I see requests for help from everyone regardless of country, culture, religion, or political stance. And although I love this, it might be better for the forum to broken up, and have users redirected to an appropriate area.
My suggestion, however much it grates on me, could save distress to those who are overly patriotic or sensitive to who they engage with.
Hello Andy
You can in fact set up which languages you want to see posts for.
If you in bottom of the page choose "show all"
I have chosen English as my native language is not an option.
So - there is a separation possibility regarding language.
But maybe it was something else you meant by your suggestion?
But the Star-Trek interpreter or the C-3PO is now not far far away anymore.
The new chatbot that now ialso s available in Edge - I can communicate with the chatrobot in Dansih and it can answer me in my own language. And if I did not know it was not with a human I had a communication, I would beleive it was. Kind of scaring isn't it?
For me, you can also write in the Klingon language, as long as it can be automatically translated by the modern browser
I, to questions in English or Spanish, sometimes answer in the respective languages, sometimes in Italian...; sometimes I put the answers in both languages, so non-Italian native language and Italian...
anyway, as said before there is the browser translator...
I honestly don't see what the problem is.
Write as you like and don't have any problems or worries.
@Andy ...
Per me, puoi anche scrivere nella lingua dei Klingon, purchè sia possibile tradurla in automatico da tutti i browser moderni
Io, alle domande in inglese o in spagnolo, a volte rispondo nelle rispettive lingue, a volte in italiano...; a volte metto le risposte in entrambe le lingue, quindi lingua madre non italiana ed italiano...
tanto, come detto prima c'è il traduttore del browser...
sinceramente non vedo quale sia il problema.
Scrivi come vuoi e non farti problemi o patemi d'animo.
No one is offended in this community, unless it has been inappropriate and personally attacked. Believe me, on this community I have been offended many times, both for comments and for private emails.
What we value here is helping others, and we are grateful for such acts of kindness. If you're asked to write in the post's native language, it's not because they find your comment offensive, but for other reasons.
When commenting, it is preferred to use the language of the post or if you're not proficient in it, use a translator to insert the translated text, as many users do.
This is because responding in a different language is not considered correct (in my personal opinion). It also makes it difficult to understand the post, as the language is fragmented, and not everyone is multilingual.
Lastly, it's important to keep in mind that automatic translators are not always accurate. A language is vast, and relying solely on a translator may not always provide helpful support.
Also wer sich wega soebess uffregt, dem kamer ond braucht mer au net helfa.
Gruaß ausam Schwabaland (Baden-Württemberg - The länd)
I was always helped here, no matter in which language.
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
I have seen the options mentioned by John. But as stated, I personally love to engage with people from all walks of life without boundaries or discrimination. Almost all of the time, it is appreciated.
What concerns me is the insistence by moderators that I respond in a different language. The fact that ‘moderators’ are insisting leads me to believe that it is a company policy. And if its company policy, then maybe a different approach is needed.
Claudio’s response now suggests to me that it is not company policy. With thanks.
@Gabriele You have voiced your opinion to me before. And in fact, you are the one user that I referred to above. As a result, if I ever have anything meaningful to contribute to difficulties that you experience with WX5, I will most definitely do so in Italian.
Only one thread author has stated that they did not understand me. And when I translated into their native language, they said: no, no, I understand but I don’t know what you mean. Lol
To summarise: Comments about language that are made by ‘users’ are noted & respected (even if my opinion differs). However, when a ‘moderator’ steps in to lay down laws, I consider it to be a policy of the company that they are protecting.
Some things cannot be easily explained. Maybe a picture will help.
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I really do not understand why you should not answwer in another language if you think you have a correct or helpful comment to a post.
If it is company politic that a user only should answer to posts in the language you are registered with, then we will not be able to have support from KolASim in the English forum.
Moderators (not all but most of them) are rational and clever people that are only trying to help and I could not imagine that a moderator would prevent useful help even if it is in a different language.
In Denmark we have "Kroner" as currency - but I would never say no if someone came to me and offered me 100.000 dollars. I would find a way to exchange the dollars to my own currency.
Binär converted:
I love Website X5 and its community!
As a moderator I have never been directed to do that....
and who said it's company policy?
I think in logic as Gabriele also said, if a post is in a certain language you should respond in the same language...
But I think too, the important thing is to give correct directions, even though we are human and we can make mistakes, and above all to use courtesy and respect, on all sides.
The rest doesn't matter...
In my opinion what matters is the result you get from the answers....
Come moderatore non ho mai ricevuto indicazioni in tal senso...
e chi ha detto che è la politica aziendale?
Penso che nella logica come ha detto anche Gabriele, se un post è in una certa lingua bisognerebbe rispondere nella stessa lingua...
Ma penso anche che la cosa importante sia dare indicazioni corrette, anche se siamo umani e possiamo sbagliare, e soprattutto usare cortesia e rispetto, da tutte le parti.
Il resto non conta...
A mio parere quello che conta è il risultato che si ottiene dalle risposte...
Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at. I speak English 'cause I got the language down (not like a native though), 'cause I studied and lived in London. Same goes for Spanish and French.
But it's tough for me to help peeps who speak Portuguese, for example, even though it's similar to Spanish. In those cases, I'd rather not help out to avoid giving bad advice 'cause of a messed up automatic translator. If I gotta answer in those languages, I try to give a bilingual response (when I can), both for being polite and to avoid any mix-ups in translation.
We're all here to help and get help, as well as just enjoy using the program.
I've been on the forum for years and I'm from the Netherlands. I prefer to post my questions in English because then I feel that I have a much larger reach than if I asked my question in Dutch. Since we have always been taught here at school that English is the "world language".
For the rest, I never have the impression that anyone here on this forum is treated differently because of the language in which someone asks a question.
Greetings from Holland
Hoi, Jan. :o)
I love culture, and navigating the translator is fun and interesting (IMO). I would love to see the pixels of your language before they, as if be magic, morph into English. Isn’t ‘world language’ a little... old fashioned? I envy your ability to have a comparison and fallback.
Regardless, I am a mere user of the forum. I believe that my profile is pretty self-explanatory lol. Now, if I were a staff member or moderator, I would most certainly engage users on ‘another level’. I would expect thread authors and users alike to assume anything stated by either superior group supersedes anything else.
We are indeed “Human”. Learning is life!