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Nikolay Z.
Nikolay Z.

Program freeze while editing the header  en

Author: Nikolay Z.
Visited 1037, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Every time I have to edit something in the header, it's a big challenge. 

After any edit, it takes 5++ minutes (and sometimes 15 minutes) for X5 to start responding to commands. And sometimes I can't wait at all. When I close the window, the message "Save changes before closing?" appears. - I select "Yes" - but they still don't save. Now I am trying to edit a link in the button, which is in the header, for the second day - so far without success. 

In general, any action in the header makes the program feel unstable.

What could it be - is my site too big for the X5?

Website URL is

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Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Check if you have empty cells on any pages? If so, place an object in each cell or group of cells (there is no need to add content) and when there are no empty cells in the project test again.

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Posted on the from Franz-Josef H.
Дмитрий Тулупов
Дмитрий Тулупов

Николай, добрый день. Уберите на вашем сайте знак "+" в ссылке для иконки WhatsApp. С плюсом ссылка работать не будет. Это не относиться к вашему вопросу!

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Posted on the from Дмитрий Тулупов
Nikolay Z.
Nikolay Z.
Franz-Josef H.
Check if you have empty cells on any pages? If so, place an object in each cell or group of cells (there is no need to add content) and when there are no empty cells in the project test again.

I have about 450 pages - and they all have empty cells :) I will clean them up little by little...

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Posted on the from Nikolay Z.
Nikolay Z.
Nikolay Z.
Дмитрий Тулупов
Николай, добрый день. Уберите на вашем сайте знак "+" в ссылке для иконки WhatsApp. С плюсом ссылка работать не будет. Это не относиться к вашему вопросу!

Проверил на телефоне - работает. А на десктопе не работает ни в каком виде, ни с плюсом, ни без него.

Поэкспериментирую еще с вариантами, спасибо.  

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Posted on the from Nikolay Z.