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Nicole B.
Nicole B.

Add comments to webpage  en

Author: Nicole B.
Visited 1256, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I am trying to add a way for comments(memories) of classmates no longer with us. I dont think the comments and rating will work. I do not see a way to edit it.

I have the pictures but I want classmates to be able to add their favorite memories.  Can X5 do that?

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Daniel W.
Daniel W.

One option would be to put the contact form at the bottom of the page so that visitors can write a comment via email.

This comment would then have to be copied from the email and could also be changed in the process, then the comment would be added to the page manually.

My Test page >>


----- My grid at WebSite X5 for this test page ----

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

So that the comments in the email inbox can be assigned to the correct pages or images, a unique name is required in the subject line.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I have expanded my test page to 4 images per page, there are comments for each image and a contact form to enter the comments.

The grid with the objects and the settings for the responsive display - it is important here that there is a red dividing line so that the images are placed one below the other on narrow screens and it is important to ensure that they are in the correct order so that there is the right one under each image Contact form is available if the WebSiteX5 automatic system does not work.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The subject line for the email send contains information about the page and the image number so that the comments in the email inbox can be assigned correctly.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Since I overwrote the 1-image version with the 4-image version, here is the link to the 1-image version.

This version has a large image and therefore the image no longer enlarges when clicked.

Test page >>

This 1-image version consists of 3 objects placed one below the other.

1) Text object with heading and text

2) Text object with image and comments

3) Contact form object

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Finally, I set the margins to 0 so that there isn't such a big gap between the text object with the smileys and the contact form.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Here's a third variant with a large picture on the left and the comments on the right.

My test page >>

I leave it at that and go offline for around 8 hours.



The screenshot below shows the grid layout and its contents as well as the dividing lines and the order of the objects so that the images and comments are displayed in the correct order even on narrower screens.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
John S.
John S.

Another approach to this could be to use the LuxCal calendar but not use it as calendar, but as a CMS system.

The calendar is free, very advanced and easy to install and use.

In the calendar you can have users that you give user-rights. Right to upload images. It is possible to set a max size for images and it can be set if users are allowed only own images.

The data can be shown in a display in an iframe. The display can be set to show events/posts from the date where the system is started and up till today. You can make events/posts in the future (memorial days or other things) and these poste will automaticall show up in the display when the day is reached.

The display should be set up to sort on dates reversed, so it is the newest posts that is shown in top. In case of many posts it can be set up to only look for poste from today and x month back.

The calendar can send mails and SMS so it is possible to make an event in the future and when the event is close, it can send mails for the event to users in a mail-list.

You can see the calendar here:

And the display (the displays can be styled and configured in many ways) here:

For your purpose you should forget it is a calendar - imagine it is not appointments but posts. It functions the same way when it is shown in the display.

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Posted on the from John S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I did some final finishing work.

The grids for the objects have been changed slightly, I can post screenshots if necessary.

Here my 3 test pages:

A) 4 photos per page in 2 columns


B) 4 photos per page, large images on the left and comments on the right


C) 1 photo per page 


Tabs with page numbers have been used for longer comments to make it look better on desktop PCs, see screenshot


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

Thank you Daniel, this will be a workaround as I will have to manually add the comments each time but it will work.  Thank you for taking time to teach me

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Posted on the from Nicole B.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

There are also options to incorporate a comment function with PHP scripts, see

>> (German website, translate with Google)

Perhaps the PHP experts know other PHP scripts that are easy to install, possibly also on English-language websites. If the PHP scripts aren't too complex, I could also test them with WebSiteX5.

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

I took your advice, is the only way to resize the image is to use photoshop?  The pictures are huge on the page. how can i make the images smaller. The page is kinda huge

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Posted on the from Nicole B.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

You can also change the grid to display the images at different sizes.

------- Grid 1 / 1 ------

Image groß / Text text

------- Grid 1 / 2 ------

Image / Text text text


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

How do I change the grid size

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Posted on the from Nicole B.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The larger the proportion of grid cells in the horizontal direction, the more space the image has, i.e. H. it gets bigger, and the smaller the proportion, the smaller the width becomes.

Of course, the size of the images in the preview must also be tested on different devices in order to find a good compromise. You may need to click “Responsive” at the top to create dividing lines for early breaks on narrower screens so that the images don’t become too small.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

So basically add more columns 

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Posted on the from Nicole B.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.

Bild 3 was that blog you use? I see tabs

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Posted on the from Nicole B.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

This is a text object that has tabs at the bottom, these are displayed later in the preview at the top of the text.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.


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Posted on the from Daniel W.
John S.
John S.


By using a X5-page you have full control over what is on your site - but you also have to make it all manually by yourself.

In the calendar the users can make all for you. It can be set up, so a post is not visible before it is "accepted" by the admin.

If you only expect there will be few posts, then the X5-page will function. But beware that when you reach 92 posts you have to delete posts before new can be made new posts. There is a limit for the number of rows. If a post is made as a row of an image + a row of text, it counts for 2.

Another approach could be to use the X5-blog instead of a X5-page. Then you could use the possibility to use tags. A tag/category could be a person. If a user only wants to see comments for a specific person, then this person can be clicked and only posts for that person will be seen. The blog has a page that shows the newest posted. You can make a link to that and then a user could have this link on his/her mobile and will then be able to see what is recently posted.

In the blog you also have to make all things by yourself, but it is more structured, you can have several tags, it has no post limits and in a X5-search the blog will be shown separately. 

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Example of a page where I show a X5-search object set up to only show blog posts.

And a object where the latest posts are shown.

Here:  is a link to the blog. To the right you see:

A clickable icon.

A blog-item showing the latest posts.

A blog-item showin the categories.

A nlog-item showing some user-defined tags

In a blog-post you can have images, links, slideshows and videos.

You can style the blog as you wish.

The blog-feature is included in X5.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

I can see that you only use 1 row per person to be remembered so you will probably not have the row-problem, so maybe you should just forget about my posts - if you not already havewink

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Posted on the from John S.