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Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man

Widgets not working  en

Author: Cheeky Man
Visited 6250, Followers 3, Shared 56  


Downloaded the latest update and just found..... My Preview is NOT showing changes properly.... Facebook widgets are NOT working and not showing at all in the preview..... Google Maps are NOT loading properly.... These are all in the program before upload.

It's not just happening to me, others are reporting the same!!

.....and I am still getting a blank space under my Mail Form at times which was supposedly fixed last year??

I have to keep checking my website page by page EVERYTIME I upload!!

Am doing more work-a-rounds now with X5 than I've ever done before??


Posted on the
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Hello, for the fix of "form mail", you can download the latest version released a few days ago, version, released just 2 days after the last version9.0.8.1828. It's risolve the problem of form mail....

For the problem of the new code of Facebook 2.0 is best to use the oldcode of FB:

" <!-- Social Network.Facebook Like Box: START -->

<iframe src="<b>nameofyourFBfanpage</b>&amp;width=<b>650</b>&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=false&amp;stream=true&amp;header=true&amp;height=<b>750</b>" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:650px; height:<b>750</b>px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

<!-- Social Network.Facebook Like Box: END --> "

that is sure it works in the preview of the site on your local PC and not only online


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hi there,

I am experiencing the same problems with preview of Facebook and Google maps.

I wonder why an "update" that "fixes" previous bugs, now creates bugs in things that worked fine before the update. Surprised Great tip to use the previous code I quess, but why on earth do we , again, need to waste time on wondering what is wrong this time and work around it. Why are these updates not tested by Incomedia before the release?

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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


@Giuseppe did you not READ what I put??

I said "The latest update.... " meaning 1831

....and I don't know where you got that HTML Code but it's well wrong!!!! You don't put BOLD Attributes in an URL and inside the height and width!!!

The transparency does NOT work on an iFrame either!!


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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Sorry, but these attributes have been inserted from "Answers"..  I had written right the code and I have only highlighted the parts of code to modify.....

You only need to exclude the BOLD attribute from code and the code is right, look here:

or look here:

they work perfectly! Wink

sorry for my bad english 


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Claudio N.

Hi there,

I wonder why an "update" that "fixes" previous bugs, now creates bugs in things that worked fine before the update

Let me explain something about this. Wink

We had to update those widgets because the old code is not supported anymore by Facebook and Google. The new code uses a lot of new features and loads the required JavaScripts directly via AJAX.

In some systems this could be an issue when the site is shown in WSX5's preview. This issue is there since v9.0.0 and is caused by a .NET bug (do you remember the "preview window freeze" problem while using some particular scripts?).

We're working to solve this issue. Anyway, the FB and GMaps widgets should work perfectly after upload.

If they're not working after upload, can you please link an example where I can take a look to the HTML code?

Thank you so much!

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Posted on the from Claudio N.
Claudio N.

Seems they're working....You should just provide the application ID only if you want to use the like box to like a facebook application's page. That's why you had to customize the code.

The widget asks for the same HTML data asked by Facebook on its page (the labels are also the same).

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Posted on the from Claudio N.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hi Claudio and Guiseppe,

Facebook works after upload, not in the preview, wich is quite annoying.

Google maps is not working correctly after uploading it eather.

I work around it by taking a screenshot in Google maps then give the image the link generetad by Google maps itself. Great... but why are we given these widgets, if we need to work around it I wonder?

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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
Claudio N.

Hi LogoLogics,

We didn't change the Google Maps Widget since 9.0.0.

Each widget simply reproduces the code provided by Google, Facebook and so forth. We didn't edit it. Wink

Maybe you didn't type the location parameters correctly? Undecided

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Posted on the from Claudio N.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Hi LogoLigics A.,

I know that Facebook's Widgets works after upload, but I need to run it in the preview of "Website X5" and not only online Frown

Thank you for your answer


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Claudio..... We use X5 every day, DO YOU?

I also inserted the HTML Code given by the Google Map site and it's NOT working in the Preview either....

If you watch this video you will notice that when I insert the code and press Preview it opens the HOMEPAGE instead of the Contact page??? I then have to correct the Preview by going to the Contact page manually!!!  

Also in some instances it is NOT recording the changes....

Yes Google Maps work after upload but as Annie said We want to see it in the Preview before we upload otherwise what is the point of having this function?

We might as well take pot luck and design our websites BLIND FOLD...... NOT using the Preview....

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hi Claudio,

Thx for your answer.

I am a bit confused, for earlier you said that Inco did not update the widgets FB and Google Maps:

We had to update those widgets because the old code is not supported anymore by Facebook and Google. The new code uses a lot of new features and loads the required JavaScripts directly via AJAX.

Now you say:

We didn't change the Google Maps Widget since 9.0.0.

Fact is that me too have the same problem with Google maps, as shown in Franks video.

Nice to hear Inco is working on it, I hope that can be fixed in the very near future.

Facebook not showing in the preview sucks big time, we now always need to publish to see if it looks good etc etc.Frown

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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Ditto...... Annie!!

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
Claudio N.

It's right, I've already answered in this page and so I linked my comment.

We didn't change the widgets since version 9.0.0 but then we had to update them in 9.0.8 because FB has changed its HTML code. Wink

Facebook not showing in the preview sucks big time, we now always need to publish to see if it looks good etc etc.

The old code is not supported anymore. We had to update them otherwise they wouldn't work even online. On the other side, the new code can't work offline. As I said, we are working to get it right.

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Posted on the from Claudio N.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hi Claudio,

Thx for clearing that up.

The old code still works, even better, it still works when I copy it form an older version of V9 and past it in a project made with the latestV9  :

AND, using this old code, the result is showing immediatly in the preview and works well after publishing???

This is the old code ( generated in an older update V9 ) that I am talking about:

<!-- Social Network.Facebook Like Box: START --> <iframe src=";width=292&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;stream=true&amp;header=true&amp;height=500" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:500px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> <!-- Social Network.Facebook Like Box: END -->

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Posted on the from LogoLogics A.
Claudio N.


Yes but FB is asking developers to use the new code because the old iframe code, one day (and I think soon), will stop working. Wink

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Posted on the from Claudio N.