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Andre E
Andre E

Language Selection When Posting  en

Author: Andre E
Visited 2242, Followers 1, Shared 42  

There are 7 Language filters in x5 answers, but when making a post you can select only 6. Dutch is missing.

Can this be fixed by adding Dutch in the pulldown menu ?

And please don't remove NL from the filter.

Posted on the
Claudio N.

Hello Andre,

When creating a new post, we provide a list of the languages we can natively write/speak. This means that if you write in one of these languages, you can get an answer from Incomedia directly in that language. Smile

If you select "Others" from that list, we'll convert the text using Google Translate.

We do not provide native support in Dutch actually, that's why NL is not available yet.

The filter contains NL because there are some old posts (coming from the old support center) marked as NL but written in english.

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Posted on the from Claudio N.