Bullet Lists With Random Sizes, Bolding Or Colour 
Author: Esahc ..Bullet lists with random sizes, bolding or colour
When I create a bullet list, the second point frequently becomes black text (default colour is not black for text)
Recently I have noted that the font size and bolding can be changed for the second point at random.
And most recently I have a bullet list that lost bolding, and was smaller after the eighth point.
In ALL case this is NOT reflected when composing the page.
Has anybody else experienced these problems - and have they found a fix??????
It's bad enough that Incomedia never fixed bullet lists (why are the dots always black even when default text is some other colour, yet when composing the dots and text colours are the same?) with the release of V9 - but why break something that was already brain damaged??????????????
Good morning Gordon,
Please calm down, I'm sure we will find a solution for you!
First of all I would like to ask you if you could kindly install the beta version of the update, you will find it here: http://answers.websitex5.com/post/4065
Please read the instructions carefully and remember to create a backup copy of your project. Please test it and see if you still have the same problems you stated above.
If you still do, please give me a link to your website so that I may see the problem. If you have not exported yet, please give me a screenshot. I need all the info you can give me in order to help you more quickly: did you add any HTML code in the text object?
Thank you!
Hi, I am using the latest beta version and can confirm I am having the same problem. It would be great if this problem can be fixed quickly as I am just converting a large v8 website to v9 and this problem is annoying.
The v8 website can be found at www.nenahsylver.com and the prototype v9 version can be seen at www.rife.de/nenah2011/
A page showing the problem can be seen here:
As I am trying to get this website released ASAP, please check the page as soon as you can as if there is no soloution in time, I will simply remove the bullets when I release the site.
I have also enclosed a screenshot.
I am so glad I'm not alone
These are some of the same problem I'm having - but to answer the question posted by Samantha, no, there is no html on the page. If I turn off bullets the problem disappears. If my samples are still required, please advise and I will recreate the problem (which I have worked around by using a table to look like a bulleted list to calm my customer).
Samantha - you should be able to recreate the problem by simply grabbing any list, and making it bulleted. The problem does not necessarily appear in preview, but it will appear when viewed in Firefox or IE
Hi guys!
I have just tried to recreate the same problem with my version of the software and all works well. We have released an update yesterday, please update your programs, try again and let me know if you need more help!
Thank you!
Have a lovely weekend!
I have tried to recreate the problems introduced in V9 - but they appear to be fixed
Now is there somewhere else I should ask to have the bullet list buttons improved?
Good, I'm gald Gordon!
Yes, please post it as an ''idea'' for our website creators, they might consider it for the next update!
Thank you!
About the bullets...version
I tried the HTML script control, where you should have more functionality over the lists using coding. For the life of me I can not get the control to recognize a list. Somethig as simple as this:
<ul type="square" style="color:#DFFFBF;">
<li>My ListItem</li>
Though it picks up the color - there is not a bullet or a square, whatever type or no type I use it doesnt see it. This is not the text control, but the RAW HTML code control you have.
Can you get this fixed up in the next update?