Standard Template 
Author: R H.DearX5,
OnOctober 12I boughtthe websitemakerX5Evolution9.
So faraverygoodtool toquicklycreate a website.Just todayit wentwrong.After Ihad madea website,ihavesavedall.ThenI uploaditto my server.So far so good.Iclosedthe program.Istarteditagain.and openanew project.Then I made anew site,and savedhim again.
Now I have2 projects.Atthe last sitewent wrong!He wantsthe defaulttemplate what Ihad chosen standard orbackgroundnotuploading.He showsnothingmore.Iseeno standardtemplatesappear.Is gone! totaly gone. i have refresed, i delete it from my HD and nothing works!!! HELLLP
Maybesomeonecanhelp me,i havetryedtore-install alsoagain.but noresult!Who canhelp me?!andwhereicanfind areal help desk insteadaforum?? I have buy this program not for nothing. I wanted to make websites, Anyway Thankyou verymuch! I appreciateall the help (soon)
Gr, RDesign,
For see the website how it is by now, than you can see what i mean, bye
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