Author: R H.Hellow There!! :o),
I have one question and one liitle problem.
1) Where can i find english tutorials 9 for example, how to create a e-mail form.
I dont know how to do? and where i can find a tut. abt to make a webshop with X5
2) My site is on the way to become a nice website, but when i look (with FIREFOX) to the site by gallery, than i see nothing, not any photo appear!!! but when i look with IE, than i see everything good working?? How is that possible? bcs my flash plug-in is uptodate!
At least but not last! where is here a quickly answer clear support???? I have buy the programm, and i stick now for 3 days yet, and im frozen!!! So who can explain me something more via MSN (messenger) my MSN= *** :o):o):o)!!
Thank you very much!
Regards, Rich
Hi Richard,
thanks for your message.
Unfortunately, there is no tutorial about hoe to create an e-mail form. I kindly ask you to use or F1 for help or to use the manual at page 86: http://www.websitex5.com/download/v9/websitex5_evolution9_en.pdf .
Please, provide me the exact pages on which you encounter the problem. This would help us to better analyse the problem.
We do not use msg as a support tool but we give our best to reply on posts within the next 24h.
Hi Noemi,
Thank you very much for the answer! Im using also provider, one.com!
I have alot of problems with running my website on firefox.
This is my website: www.rdesign070.nl.Thepageswhereit goes wrong are:
* http://www.rdesign070.nl/wat-doe-ik-.html
(Is showing nothing, but in my X5 prog, is the page full with info)
* http://www.rdesign070.nl/portofolio.html
(Is showing nothing, but in my X5 prog, i have make a gallery, via www.one.com)
(Is showing nothing, but in my X5 prog, is the page full with info)
If you want i can send you by e-mail the whole website, than i will export all the filles.
Maybe you or Incomedia can solved the/my problems! because i have bought this program to make a start with my onw company, and on this way i can not work at all.
(Note: Im using Fifefox the newest version: 7.0.1) and im using also IE 8.0)
With IE i have also problems with:
I have make a new gallery with the gallerymaker from the website www.one.com
and than he showing suddenly both gallery`s??? It is very strange, but i hope you or incomedia can help me very very soon!
Anyway thank you for helping me! I appreciatethat!!
Best regards,
Hi Noemi,
Thank you for the answer!
See attachment: I hope i will hear it very soon (see other message) Im trying to uploading the file but it is to big (3MB) what i received directly drom X5, i was not allowed, i have winzip the export file directly with winzip, the other export file was to big (3MB) this one is 732 kb, and is also to big. It says: The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed. I will email you the file or you can use this download link:
http://wtrns.fr/KpjV9pTZpUWK2A (Is from we transfer, with all file, separate files and the IWzip, hear it :o)
I hope you can help me very very soon!
thank you Noemie
Hi Richard,
as mentiones in http://answers.websitex5.com/post/4358 please send me your project file to file@answers.websitex5.com and put my name and the post number in the subject.
Thank you,
:o) Ok its on your way!
Many thanks!
Dear Noemie,
Did you received my e-mail to you, and the files?
Iam still frozen in the programm, i wait now longer than two weeks??
Do you know what the problem is, i have buy this programm, to make websites and not to wait and frozen in the programm, iam a liitlebit disapointed, i hope that you can fix very soon the bugs, and problems! maybe you can chat with me or something else, or help me one to one with e-mail. If the problem can not be solved than i want my money back or nextyear a free software-update. Anyway i hope a good cooperation. Thank you very much!
Regards, RH
Hi Richard,
I do apolpgise for my belated reply.
I have checked ypur project file and the websites on several browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome) and no error does appear.
Please see my e-mail.
Kind Regards,