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N. Southward
N. Southward

Order Confirmation Page Problems  en

Author: N. Southward
Visited 2026, Followers 3, Shared 1  

This page is not clear.

On the order confirmation page there is currently a message displayed with the first line being "Your order has been correctly sent and will be processed as soon as possible." followed by a confirmation code.

This makes it seem as though the order process is complete which makes no sense since the order has not completed because the customer still need to pay via the paypal pay now button. However many customers are overlooking the PAY NOW button because it is at the bottom of the page and resembles a paypal advert.

With people wanting to shop quickly they do not spend much time reading all the text and overlook the payment button.

I am a copywriter by trade and I can assure you the page is not clear and frustraits not just the owners but customers as well (I have had a number of complaints that orders have not been sent but the customer does not realised it has not been paid for)

Instead of a confirmation page the page should go directly to the paypal payment page which does contain an overview of the order and allows instant payment.

Or if you are adimant on using a confirmation page then the copy should be more clear, stating something in large letter like "PLEASE CLICK THE PAY NOW BUTTON BELOW TO COMPLETE THIS TRANSACTION"

Is there a way of editing the confirmation page so i can put on a custom message informing them to click the pay now button below?

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Nathan,

You can edit the confirmation message in Step 1 - General Settings by clicking the button after the option to choose the content language.

It will appear a new window where you can edit all the automatic generated text. The ID you need to edit is cart_step5_descr

Hope it helps!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.