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Søren Hansen
Søren Hansen

Php Script In Version 9  en

Author: Søren Hansen
Visited 2502, Followers 1, Shared 33  

Hey. In X5 v8 we had the oppertunity to add a php script in the HTML code section, changing the code form. Where is the php code menu in v9? I only have a HTML and CSS.. Please Help

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Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Soren,

You can insert the custom code HTML from an object HTML code. From this object you can only insert the HTML-CSS code and Javascript code with tag <script type="text/javascript"></script>. The menu of WebsiteX5 Evolution8 is created with HTML-CSS code and it isn't present PHP code. The php code you can insert in an object form email -> Tab send -> send data at your file and you can select your php file just created. 

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Posted on the from Luca S.
Søren Hansen
Søren Hansen

Sorry, but I dont really understand...

Why did you remove the oppertunity to insert a php code like this:


In v8 we could change the codeform to php, which automaticly created a php-site-file. 

This was a great feature in v8, and I have added a lot of external php scripts on my site, but now using v9, this is no longer working.. 

How to fix this?

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Posted on the from Søren Hansen
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

Incomedia didnt remove this opportunity. You can still inplemenbt php code in your pages, using HTML code object. Th make tha code work, you have to change the File format of the page, in step 2, Page Properties, Expert Tab. Look ay page 55 of the user's manual.


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Posted on the from BmT 3000