Option to remove X5 software meta tag before publishing to web 
Author: Paul M.Please can the developers at Incomedia consider incorporating the following feature into future releases/updates of Website X5:
An option allowing the user to select whether or not he wishes to include the name of the website creation software (i.e. Incomedia Website X5) as a meta tag within the HTML before publishing to the web.
Many website designers would prefer to keep this information private, for several different reasons.
Other alternative software already incorporates this feature as a result of user requests.
Please see the 'Author and copyright information' section of the following web page, for details of how Serif allow users of WebPlus X6 to opt in or out of publishing these details to the internet, allowing the user to decide which option is in his/her best interest:
Hello Paul,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. We will take it in consideration for the future releases of the program.
Many thanks!