Problem in saving and uploading project 
Author: Mohammad Reza R.
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I have 2 problem in saving and uploading project (
1. Always, saving project takes approximately one hour, even if I add only one text page to my project and don't change other pages. what's the problem?
(processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8300 @ 2.4GHz; RAM: 3.00 GB)
2. Whenever I add only one text page to my project (don't change other pages), during uploading the project all pages are uploaded. what's the problem? Meanwhile, I use "export only the files modified..." mode.
Posted on the
Ifyouaddapage,themenu entriesforall of the pagesarechangedandthusmustallpagesareuploaded,itmaybethatsomeimagesandfilescannotbeuploaded.Ifstructuraladjustmentbenecessary,mustmorebeuploaded,asonlythecause of thechange.Testmultipleconsecutiveupload,withoutmakingchanges,asdoknowthatafteronlyalittleisuploaded.
Many thanks for your explanation about uploading. You are right.
Has several uploading of all pages, negative effet on ranking of site or search engine as google?
What's the problem of saving?
Hello Mohammad Reza Raoufy,
To if you upload all pages, where the content is the same, has no negative effect in the ranking.
About the saving issue, please check if other programs are running in background, because probably they occupy the ram and so the program is slover.
It can also depend on the size of the project.
Many thanks!
Many thanks for your answer.