This sentence shows in the top on my website, how do I remove it? '); return false;" style="position: absolute; top: 176px; left: 437px; width: 210px; height: 42px; cursor: pointer;"> Hope you can help, thank you in advance 
Author: T. Stück
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This sentence shows in the top on my website, how do I remove it
se att. fille
Hope you can help, thank you in advance
Kind regards
Torben Stück
Posted on the
...could you supply a link to your site to analize the problem?
Check out these section for program coding:
Remove them, there is probably an error or rewrite it.
other opton:
Do a full Upload of your site, goto your site, press ctrl-f5 and check if it's gone
otherwise, just like Gabriele sas a website address would be very usefull.
Here the link to my site
Torben Stück
This sentence shows in the top on my website, how do I remove it
se att. file
website address
Hope you can help, thank you in advance
Kind regards
Torben Stück
<div onclick="x5engine.utils.location('<a href=""target="_new">'); return false;"></div></div>
the above is the entire string responsable of your problem, but if you can't find the exact reason of this problem,for me that is very strong, because all your site is write in your language, and probably it is some code added into your site.
Hope some user with more experience should analyze everything.
Hi T. Stück,
you have 2 Home Pages: (delete it)
_______ oltre il 5° step ________
Home page
Have tried to put a Htlm code into side, this code schout link to an external logo, namely Bulildinsupply.
It did not work, so it might be why I got the message at the top of the website?
The code you mention, where could it be saved?
Would be very happy if you could found out, how I get it removed.
Kind regards
Torben Stück
Hello Torben,
Try to check in step 2 in "edit graphic template" if you added any html code object in the header and in case you find it remove it and then export it again online.
Many thanks!
I can not find any Htlm code in the header.
I think I made a mistake when I export my account Htlm code to the web.
I can not find it anywhere
What can you suggest otherwise ?
Kind regards
Torben Stück (delete it)
Can see it only when I open the page Stück Construction (looking specifilt at this address) I get the line in the top at the website.
If I search for a specific product (el hejs) I do not get
line at the top.
Kind regards
Torben Stück
Hello Torben,
Your hosting provider is set to open as default page index.htm instead of index.html and it is loading the old page with the error.
Try to delete all content online on the hosting space and then upload the complete project again online. If after this the home page is not opening contact your hosting provider to ask ho to set to open as default page index.html instead of index.htm
Many thanks!