(It > En) ... don't listen to those messages, which often don't know what they say, even if a certain sense of truth exists ... ... your PNG images are quite light ... ... but, if you are really interested, if you are an expert, and if you want to do it yourself, just follow these simple indications: >> https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp ... ... rather, pay attention to other more important factors; ... for example, this image, GASGER-TE-KUNDENDIENST.jpg, is excessive in size and weight (216 KB)! ... should or could weigh a maximum of 60 KB (-30%)!:
other solution:
export your project in step 5, tag the reduce option. import the exported project, do a full upload.
Then let it be. trust x5.
Hello. "how do i solve this problem?" - If you have Google PageSpeed Module one on the server, then you can solve this problem.
Here is a little testhttps://magazin.aleksius.com/en/blog/31-website-x5-speed-optimization
this did not solve the problem.what next ?
(It > En) ... don't listen to those messages, which often don't know what they say, even if a certain sense of truth exists ...
... your PNG images are quite light ...
... but, if you are really interested, if you are an expert, and if you want to do it yourself, just follow these simple indications:
>> https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp
... rather, pay attention to other more important factors; ... for example, this image, GASGER-TE-KUNDENDIENST.jpg, is excessive in size and weight (216 KB)! ... should or could weigh a maximum of 60 KB (-30%)!: