Webanimator4 .iwax5 file can not sound on websitex5 and web browsers 
Autor: SHIMEI N.
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mp3 and mp4's sound can't hear,sometimes can hear,I don't know why.
Autoplay ON.
My website is,
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mp4 file sound can hear at second playback on PC.
Every time I click on the above link it plays. Which browser are you using, I believe some block sound on autoplay. Perhaps require user to "click to play" to reslove the issue?
I use Google Chrome,
I will test again,thank you.
On loading indeed no sound. But if I right click the copyright message pops up and the sound is starting.
I made again with WebAnimator4, mp3 sound story.
this is the data.
data package can't be uploaded
so, mp4 again
Please watch my website again
MP4 movie version and .iwx5 there
now ,.wx5 file also can hear sound, but why?
sometime can hear, sometime can't hear
both mp4 and .iwx5 data is the same
.iwx5 sound sometimes can hear but only music.
all sounds is mp3 but the music is another creator's free music.
(It > En) ... Attention! ...
... AUDIO AutoPlay (*) was always blocked on "mobile" devices, as it is also shown in all program guides...
... currently by convention ... AutoPlay has also been blocked in newer desktop browsers...
... interactivity is needed, and even going back from another page corresponds to interactivity and in this case the autoplay function is activated...
... therefore, to operate the AUDIO must foresee the PLAY/STOP button...
... (*) - AutoPlay is also disabled for videos that contain the audio track...
bye, ciao
Thank you very much for your advice.
I found that the pictures(images) added to WebAnomator4 .iwax5 file also can not visible on WebBrowser.
Hello Shimei
I apologize but I am not sure I understand your last message.
What do you mean that images are not visible? In the WebAnimator preview or inside WebSite X5?
Please let me know more details on this here
Thank you
I mean some jpg image added to .IWAX5 file can't see on WAX5 and webbrowser.
(On WA4, export to HTML5 can see the image.)
Please see the file below.
mp3 file has also the same problem,
some mp3 file can't sound on .IWAX5
can't see jpg file is this
i see!
the file name used in Japanese 2byte character may be bad
this file is no problem
can't hear mp3 file also Japanese file name,
and that the mp3 file of japanese character file name can't even upload here.
can't see and can't here problem may be solved, thank you.
Hello Shimei
If you're having a problem with that project not displaying a certain image, can you please try and save the WebAnimator 4 project as a Package like shown here?
And send that to me here? I will test the project for you
Thank you
Hi,Sorry I had deleted the full data project file by mistake.
This is a backup project file contains only the basic timeline parts.
This is another sound test project,
I found another movie-backup-file.
I'm afraid the 3 project files could not be uploaded.
Can I send the package files to your company's email address, ***,
from my account registered email address b*******@simmnex.jp?
Thank you very much for your advice.
I know if i put mouse click event on the timeline, the sound can hear.
But I want to start automaticaliy the opening sound without any event, if possible.
I upload mp4 and .iwax5 file movie again.
I found the data file for WebAnimation4 still in my hard drive.
... I think that the autoplay of multimedia contents containing the AUDIO track cannot work for the reasons mentioned above in "Attention!"...
... anyway, from tomorrow onwards it is waiting for the STAFF ...
Hello, ciao
Hello Shimei
As indicated by KolAsim, due to the browser's policy, audios and videos cannot autostart every time, so it is correct that you do not see it starting. It requires user input to do so and this is so as per browser policy. There is nothing that can be done about it
Should you still have issues with projects with images that do not appear, please let me know here
Thank you
I see, thank you for your advice.