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X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Preview not working in v11  en

Auteur : X5 Croatia
Visité 1321, Followers 4, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: not,preview,v11,working

Preview is still not working... V10 works perfect.

Posté le
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello X5 Croatia,

Please continue on this thread which has been opened specifically for your own issue, as per Claudio's advice in this thread:

Thread 106842 which JJ. Juag has kindly linked to relates to a preview problem in Evolution version 10, which is affecting a specific user.

You have already stated that v10 works OK for you, so please continue on this thread where we can try to troubleshoot taking into account your own unique hardware/software configuration.

It's worth pointing out that the preview in v11 works fine for the majority of users, so there must be a component in your own setup which is causing difficulty.  With your input we will try and assist in tracking this down for you.

Are your copies of v10 and v11 on the same computer?

Many thanks,


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Posté le de Paul M.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

10 and 11 is on the same mashine.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    WebSiteX5.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    546c6e83
  Fault Module Name:    clr.dll
  Fault Module Version:    4.0.30319.18444
  Fault Module Timestamp:    52717e84
  Exception Code:    c00000fd
  Exception Offset:    003793f2
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1050
  Additional Information 1:    e99a
  Additional Information 2:    e99a0ea3bee240e31ddc033d4db7b5c9
  Additional Information 3:    46c6
  Additional Information 4:    46c6d2f9aa11fef009f4ba39be641a17

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Posté le de X5 Croatia
Paul M.
Paul M.

Does v11 crash every time you try to open the preview?  Or do the crashes only occur occasionally?

Can you tell us what steps you take in WebSite X5 which cause it to crash?

Are there any particular Objects you are using which seem to cause crashes?

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Posté le de Paul M.
Riccardo P.


we have release a new update in the beta channel, this update can fix this problem, if you want you can submit in the beta channel ( and install the update.

Let me now you feedback if you want.

Thank you

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Posté le de Riccardo P.
R. Lteq
R. Lteq


I meet the same problem with V11 pro

Really bad upgrade

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Posté le de R. Lteq
Riccardo P.

Hello Lteq,

in the update we have release a fix for this.

Please check if you have this update o latest and try again. Try also to start the program with administrator (click with the right click on the program and select "run as administrator"), also try disable the antivirus.

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Posté le de Riccardo P.
R. Lteq
R. Lteq

without fix solution I will move to an another software

feedup from editor who make money and are not able to make a software without problems.

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Posté le de R. Lteq