How to display / edit the source code of a FULL page 
Auteur : JULLIEN MarcBonjour, I can't find the "button" to display the source code of a specific page (HTML/JScript). my request is not about adding some code in my page (this is clearly explained using the advance property tab and chossing the section where to add in Head or Body) but it is about displaying (and editing) the full page source code in order to help me learning ... and editing (especially to proceed with Mobile dedicated sizing). Currently I can use the "display" buton from the menu and use the "source code display from mouse' right click) but this doesnt allow me to edit and save.
It seems (from FAQ) that there is an advance function (or tab) in the general setting to allow (active) this feature ... that I do not see on my general setting L1 page (no right?)
Tks for the answer, marc
You can't edit the code from x5 in x5 and then upload.
You can see the code and edit it, but this can only be done if you copy your website to your harddrive. There you can edit it manually. If eddited you need to upload it with an ftp program from harddrive.
This is not a very nice way of creating websites. But you can certainly learn a lot !