Issues opening project + previewing it 
Auteur : Melissa M.Good evening!
Since a few times, I am experimenting some issues with Website Professional 12, so I am hoping that anybody may help me.
It started with the software getting very, very slow when I wanted to preview the project. Then most of times, the software crashed after having previewing the project a few times. Next, it took about 30 minutes to 60 minutes to save the project. And finally, after a few days like this, today I found out I could not open the project anymore, the software saying "xml 556 59 error".
So I followed the instructions "Inside this folder you will find a file called library.xml and you need to rename it to old.xml and then rename librarybu.xml to library.xml and then try to open the project again to see if then it works." found on . Nothing changed.
Then I got able to open the project following this instruction "Please try to load a a backup copy of your project to see if this works. Try to use as first the most recent backup otherwise try one of the latests." found on but I lost a lot of work done as I was not able to save the poject often as the software crashed.
Now I can finally see the project, the software and the preview are still slow and I am scared it happens again so I would have to redo again and again the work. Does anybody know how I could make it work normally again?
I do not have those issues with other projects and the computer I use is running Windows 10 and not slow on other softwares.
Thanks for any solution or idea :) Best regards.
I would suggest repapairing .NET Frameworks first to see if this helps.
see for instance:
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I did it already, but unfortunately it did not change anything.
I also tried to uninstall and reinstall the program but nothing too...
Would you have any other suggestion?
Thanks again.
Hello Hawm H.,
Does the same happens also if you start a new project or only with this project?
If it happens only in this project how big is the project?
Did you use custom HTML code in it?
Which windows version are you using?
Many thanks!
Hi Hawm H
I had since a few days (and again) this issue. But I have discovered that some of the pictures in my site were not found by the WebX5 12 pro any more because I had reorganized my directories. (right clicking on image file to find the image path gave an error). When opening an old site or a site from a backup it looked OK, but some images were not linked with the original.
I relinked the images of my sites in WebX5 with the original images in their new directory on my PC. Was it the problem? Anyway, the preview is now working fine.
Hope it will help for you
Thank you for all your answers.
Unfortunately, I tried everyhting and nothing works. It is still extremely slow and crashing most times I try to save.
I just tried opening the project on another computer, using Windows 7, but it is even worse.
I checked other similar posts on the forum, but it seems that there is no solution for now..
Oh and I also contacted the forum, they were very nice and took time to look at the project but in their opinion, they did not see any issue with it.
Since all else has failed, have you checked your windows OS and hardware?
If you open a command prompt as administrator, you should run SFC /scannow (checks all system files), then when that finishes, check the hard disk. This can be done with the command chkdsk c: /r and will require a reboot.
I have also found that the removal of temporary files frequently helps, and for this I use ccleaner from piriform (free).
Dear Esahc,
I just did what you suggested.. It already improved A LOT, plus it did not crash anymore at least for now ;) It is still much slower than other projects, but I "only" have to wait 15 minutes instead of 45-60 minutes to save it.
Thank you so much for your suggestions!!
Melissa, I am pleased I was helpful, but 15 minutes is a big wait. I have some very large websites, but nothing I have done ever takes more than a minute or so. Is this a huge website, or perhaps it has lots of photos? My only issues in the past have been large photos in a large number of slide shows - I eventually bit the bullet and reduced all photos to near the required size and rebuilt them with spectacular results.
If your hardware could still be an issue, you may wish to check you have 10% spare space on your hard drive as a bare minimum, and you might like to check that Win10 has recently defragmented your hard drive. I came across a PC the other day with 43% fragmentation because the user always turned the PC off overnight so defrag never ran - the result was wonderful.
Good evening and thank you for your new advices :)
Unfortunately, I got not able to save anything today. Each time, the project crashes again and again. The project is 112 Mo.
I checked out the hard drive but it says that it is 0% fragmented. I have 609 GB spare space.
The latest crash showed some red crosses, do you have any idea of what it could be? Please take a look at the screen capture, if you can of course..
Thanks again :)
Also, a few days ago I contacted the Website X5 support and they test out the project. They answered "I just tested the edit of a text and to save the project and it wasn't slow. It was reacting normally."
So it must be from my computer?
And on this screen capture are the information about my computer and the latest crashes recorded.
Melissa - you have my sympathies.
If I was forced to guess I would point the bone at the hard drive, but it is slightly possible that you could have a stick of faulty memory or there is even an outside chance malware could be the culprit, however, if either was true I would expect odd behaviour in other software, not just website X5. What is the software being used to indicate PC stability? HP supplied? If it is "nagware" (keeps asking you to spend money to fix the issue) then I would run malwarebytes (free).
You said it became more reliable after running chkdsk - you might wish to run that again (should take considerable time but if not it is not doing the job so try this )
If you can get your project back - export it in case of further catastrophies (all your projects!) and copy to an external drive or memory stick. If this works and you must continue working on the project I recommend importing the project (so you will have a second version), then work on the new version (if the hard disk has faulty sectors I would guess your existing project is sitting right on top of them, so the new version will be in a different place on the hard disk).
If it becomes (temporarily) more reliable, you probably need to replace your hard drive - hopefully a local PC shop can clone it for you to save reinstalling the OS and all your programs and data.
PS If you are replacing your hard disk and you don't already have an SSD, buy a hybrid SSD/HD, they are only about $10 dearer over here and they will speed up your PC nicely.
Melissa - did you resolve your "issues"?