Lost my website backup 
Auteur : Claudia A.
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need to make some changes to my website, but due to an hdd failure I lost my project, still have the access credentials, tried ftp download, but the result its not an Incomedia project, I got only my uploaded files....
any help please?
my website: www.piaget.com.pt
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Se vocêiwzipnenhum arquivo de backupou projetoiwprjter mais,eles podem apenascomosolicitadopelaspáginas publicadaspara criarum novo projeto eimportar otexto e imagens.
Não há nenhum softwarepara html/ phpem um projetopara converter.
Criarbackupsregulares/(iwzip)ecopiá-los parauma mídia externaou servidor.
If youiwzipnobackuporproject fileiwprjhave more,they canjustas prompted bythe publishedpagesto create anew project and importthetext and images.
There is nosoftwaretohtml/phpina projectto convert.
Createregularbackups/(iwzip)and copy themto external mediaorserver.