Google Maps not showing after upgrade to version 12 
Auteur : Raquel F.Google Maps not showing after upgrade to version 12
I upgraded to version 12. From 11 and my 11 version website I created was working fine. However on upgrading to version 12, the Google map I inserted on the contact page, refuses to show in any browser , Here is the link:
and as you can see the map is no sowing, reading your forum, I see there is a glitch in version 12, where the http: is not included, I did added in Notepad, with the same result:
</div></div><div id="imCell_2"><div id="imCellStyleGraphics_2"></div><div id="imCellStyle_2" data-responsive-sequence-number="2"><div id="imObjectMap_2"><iframe id="imObjectMap_2_frame" style="overflow: hidden; border: none;" src=",+Ramona,</p> <p>+CA+92065&t=m&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1939+Main+St,+Ramona,</p> <p>+CA+92065</p> <p>&z=15&output=embed"></iframe></div></div></div>
Is there another way to access the HTML code (source code) inside version 12?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
You can use the object map (ikon card pin), then wx5 will create the code for you!
Yes, but for some reason the cogenerated code doesn't work on the final. Even modifying the source code doesn't work. For what I am reading is a glitch in version 12.
Hello John,
The map is appearing but it is not showing the entered location. The code without the http: is correct since it is not necessary to add it.
Try instead to enter the location in this way and then test it again:
Main Street 1939, Ramona, CA 92065
Many thanks!