Import de projets de version 12 vers version 13
Auteur : BENOIT Michel
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J'ai parcouru le help center ce weekend à la recherche de solutions. Conclusion : je ne suis pas le seul à avoir des problèmes ! Cetaines propositions de solutions sont faites dans différentes langues et donc pas simple de pouvoir les trouver !
Plutôt que d'avoir à chercher dans les différents posts, je suggère que compte tenu de la gravité et du nombre de problèmes, INCOMEDIA ouvre un post et y mettent toutes les solutions à essayer quand on est confronté à ce problème d'import vers la version 13 ?
Qu'en pensez vous ?
Posté le
Hello Michel,
Since the causes are different and every case needs to be followed step by step according to the results it is not possible to create only one post with steps to follow, since in this way one could follow a procedure which would be not correct for his case and cause him further issues.
Should this be possible for certain cases we will for sure proceed to publish it.
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
Étant donné que lescauses sont différenteset chaque casdoit êtresuiviétape par étapeen fonction desrésultats, il estimpossible de créerun seul posteavec des étapesà suivre, carde cette façonon pourraitsuivre une procédurequi seraitpas correct pourson casetlui causerd'autres problèmes.
Si cela estpossible pourcertains cas, nousreviendrons à coup sûrprocéderà le publier.
Merci beaucoup!
I understand your point of view. But please try to undertand the customer point of view : we - excuse INCOMEDIA - have a big problem with the version 13 Pro 64 bit. We try to find solutions ALONE between hundreds of posts with the same title "Problem with version 13" in dozen of languages ...
I change my question : is it not time for INCOMEDIA to put in place Crisis Communication ! ?
But I have in mind - as you - the only available solution is to have a quick efficiency solution from your software experts ...
Best Regards
Hello Michel,
I can assure you we are constantly working to solve all the issues experienced with the program. For the error the program has stopped working we published the procedure to solve it on:
And the other issues will be solved with the updates. A general message will not help to solve the problems since it needs to be identified and this requires to collect informations from every user who experiences an issue to be able to solve it.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio
I read the procedure : difficult ! For example first line : uninstale programm Web Companion ... I haven't this program ...
How many time develoopers give us new version to try ?
Best Regards
Hello Claudio
I read the procedure : difficult ! For example first line : uninstale programm Web Companion ... I haven't this program ...
How many time develoopers give us new version to try ?
Best Regards
Hello Michel,
It iwll be released soon. At the moment it is available an update in the beta channel
Many thanks!