How to access the background photos with the Paralax effect and change them. 
Auteur : John S.
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Im using the latest version 14 Professional and I have downloaded the template MyRoseMary.
This template comes with the paralax effect and has three background photos in it. I have found how to change the middle photo but cannot see how to change the first photo (the one with " Sophisticated, Fresh Cuisine" written over it) and the last ,bottom, photo ( the one with "The Restaurant" written over it and various food photos floating on top.
Any help please...
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Photos are placed eather in the row formats or in step 3 or in the page properties.
But there is no better help on this template then here:
Best Regards,
Thanks Andre, thats the post I used to find how to change the middle of the three background photos but it doesnt explain how to change the top and bottom picture. Or maybe I just cant see it.
Lets hope someone else has an idea.
Thanks again.
? Maybe more info is needed?
step 3 properties then style button, use pulldown menu for pictures
If you can't find it there then the style button (step4) could also be a place for a picture. (style Tab)
And if that is not the case then custom code may have been used step 3 properties button, Expert tab, check bold pulldown items.
There are no more possibilities in x5, except in CEO but that would be for the all pages I don't expect that.
Hi John,
here you can find and change the two pictures you mentioned:
1) Picture used for the parallax effect under "Sophisticated, Fresh Cuisine" : Step 3>Homepage> Page Properties> Graphic
2) Picture used for the parallax effect under "The Restaurant" : Homepage, Step 4> Row Formats lines 7 8 9 10
Please let me know if there is something I can do for you. Kind regards.
Thanks Andre and Elisa.
Thats is exactly where I found them Elisa. The first one in step three was the hardest to find.
Many thans once again.
Your Welcome,
Thanks for the feedback!