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Kurt W.
Kurt W.

How to make hamburger menu button transparent?  en

Auteur : Kurt W.
Visité 2084, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

This may sound stupid, but I just can't seem to make the hamburger menu button transparent in version 15. I tried everything in the "menu object", and I couldn't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.

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Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.

place before head:


.hamburger-button {




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Posté le de Aleksey K.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Kurt, alternatively you could set the background colour of your menu to transparent.

The Toaster Menu takes the colours from the menu colours

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.
Esahc ..
Kurt, alternatively you could set the background colour of your menu to transparent. The Toaster Menu takes the colours from the menu colours

this will make the whole menu transparent and not just a button hamburger !!!! you read the question?

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Posté le de Aleksey K.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Aleksey, yes I did. In v15 one menu object can be readily turned off (hidden) at various resolutions, and a second menu added (dedicated toaster menu?) where a transparent background is unacceptable for all menu's. Some people (me included) prefer to avoid code and in any case I find a transparent background to my menu's is preferred.

Your solution is just another (better?) way :-)

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.
Esahc ..
Aleksey, yes I did. In v15 one menu object can be readily turned off (hidden) at various resolutions, and a second menu added (dedicated toaster menu?) where a transparent background is unacceptable for all menu's. Some people (me included) prefer to avoid code and in any case I find a transparent background to my menu's is preferred. Your solution is just another (better?) way :-)

my solution work if use one menu .... if more than one your solution better....

and second :

can you manage to correct the mistake which is already 3 years old? what is CCS ? new style format)))

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Posté le de Aleksey K.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Aleksey, I only speak broken english (Australian) so I do not know where to find CSS spealt as CCS, but please create a post requesting that this be changed, I am sure Incomedia are not aware of this typo (& I am only a user so I can not force the issue).

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Posté le de Esahc ..