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Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

X5 proffesional freezes every time  en

Auteur : Daniel Wijma
Visité 2728, Followers 2, Partagé 0  

I have lately trouble if i want to make a pre view for a website in the X5 proffesional 16.1.1 version.

every time when it freeze, i have to force quit on X5. This is not good, and i think the update had to come to fix this bug.

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Daniel - please do a backup. Do NOT rely on Incomedia's built in automatic backup!

Go to step5Export, export project. This will create an iwzip which is reliable.

Before doing a preview, please save the project and then hold ctrl key down when you press preview.

If this does not fix the problem, please look on each page. If there are empty cells or rows of empty cells, fill them (I simply use the text object), there is no need to add content, but there must be no empty cells.

Please let us know if this does not resolve the problem

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

i can not seperate parts in style or unlock it cause of responsive, i become frustrated with it, i did call somebody who works with X5, aslo a webdesigner and have the same problem. Please fix this bug. i did make a brand new site a lot of work but doesnt work. That is realy not oke

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Posté le de Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

why this program is so complicated

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Posté le de Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

i mean i did use the possible functions but it do not what i want to have for result. Lettertype problems always, or responsive problems or name it. What is going on?

i loose hours to make new withhout any satisfing and waiting customers. Tell me this is not oke isnt it?

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Posté le de Daniel Wijma
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Daniel, please explain your individual problems. Are you using a specific template and wish to change it?

Can you supply a screen shot of what you have and describe what you wish to change?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

the page in de screenshot was oke, and suddenly happen this. tekst go out borders, and i dont see in the page edit modes the gray square and the whtie one. so i can not remove it or change it if its no ware visible in de edit mode

the url is

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Posté le de Daniel Wijma
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Daniel, I am not sure I understand, you can post questions in your native language (Dutch?) and I can use google translate or you may be lucky enough to get Andre's attention.

I opened your link.

A video opened with a screeching sound track - is that what you wish to remove?

When scrolling down the sticky menu appears with a logo hard left, if this is the problem simply go to  step2Template/Sticky Bar and edit/rearrange/hide  content for each resolution. You can even vary the height of the sticky bar for each resolution. If you delete content in the sticky bar for any resolution it will delete it for all resolutions, so better to hide that content at that resolution and below.

I note also that there is text in the top left corner, this is a bit of google tracking code, you should be able to remove all of this under step1Settings, Advanced, Statistics,SEO&Code, Expert. When done you can put the google SEO code back again if you wish.

I looked at the site in various resolutions and the responsive layout appears fine.

Please advise (if possible with screen shot of the issue) if I have totally misunderstood the problem.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

Ik was mij niet bewust, dat ik in mijn eigen taal, het probleem kon bewoorden.

Het vorige probleem heb ik inmiddels opgelost.

1. Mijn vraag is wel dat als ik lettertypen gebruik in X5, dan bij opnieuw hetzelfde project laadt, geeft hij telkens aan het letterype niet ingesloten te hebben.

2. Als ik dezelfde nederlandse pagina in het duits maak, via een duplicaat van de nederlandse versie, en deze dan vervolgens ga vertalen in de duitse taal kan bepaalde dingen niet vertalen zoals bijvoorbeeld een bestand kiezen voor uploaden, wat eigenlijk Daten Wählen zou moeten worden en Hochladen zou moeten verschijnen, terwijl bij instellingen wel gekozen is voor Land instelling DE.

3. Tevens zou ik willen vragen hoe ik een database koppel aan de website voor automatische registrering.

Ik kan een database aanmaken in directadmin van mijn hostingsprovider, maar hoe de indeling te laten communiceren met het formulier wat is aangemaakt in X5 is mij nog niet geheel duidelijk en krijg het dan ook nog niet werkend.

Wie zou mij daar mee kunnen helpen of uitleggen hoe dat in zijn werk gaat.

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Posté le de Daniel Wijma
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Daniel, I only speak broken English (Australian), but google translate is very clever. You say you fixed the freezing, what was the issue??

With your fonts, are these google fonts added in v16

or are they webfonts from something created in an earlier version. If you are not doing so, please try use google fonts (I have found them much more reliable)

When you say you duplicate and translate the site, are you using google translate to do the job or manually translating the site? Some of the buttons in WX5 are graphics, so cannot be translated. If I have misunderstood and the problem is that it is not possible to have the buttons displayed in the correct language, have you tried going to settings, selecting ONLY the language you want and then restarting WX5?

As for databases, I have tried to avoid this part of wx5. I suggest you start a new post with just question 3, I further suggest you post in Dutch version of the helpcentre, to do this I think you need to modifify your profile (top right this page), click your user name and click change user profile.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Daniel Wijma
Daniel Wijma

the freezing problems are not done yet, but i did find the the solution of remove the things i did not saw. Very often the program freezes and need to restart the program.

The fonts i did add in the same way you show in the screenshot. but somehowe when i close the project and start another time again it says it is not added. I dont know what i sould do to make this  become added.

The other question was i want attach a database in the project with people can registrate automatic.

I have a database viewer in the X5, but it does not show anything, what i want to know is how i make this work.

Maybe somebody who read this has a good solution.

What i did create is directadmin from my hosting provider is a database then i get the following information

Database: happy4family_handler

Host:        localhost

Username: **********

Password:   ***********

This information i put in X5 Configuration Advanced data control and add this database

Scritptype =PHP Mailer(recommed)

Type of datainput = Send as POST

Use always the same replyadres 

And create a map phpcode in public_html/de/phpcode

for acces write data php code

What is wrong of what did i forget?

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Posté le de Daniel Wijma
Stefano G.

Hi Daniel,

I'm providing support for the Database matter on your other topic, so please continue there for that :

About the font issue instead, please try the following:

After adding the fonts, export as IWZIP at step 5, and import again. See if it is fixed. 

If it is not, also try running the IWZIP inside the Optimizer and see if it works then

Try all of this and keep me posted

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Ricky N.
Ricky N.

Hi I too have this freezing problem Stefano

and i cant seem to fix it do you have any aswers thanks I'm pulling my hair out i have to restart every time i make a change thanks

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Posté le de Ricky N.