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Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann

How to stop the option for download a pdf file  en

Auteur : Jochen Fuhrmann
Visité 2379, Followers 2, Partagé 0  

I integrated a pdf file on a secured page. For this I used the X5 pdf tool that automatically offers the option to download and to print the file.

But I don't want anyone can download or print it !

How can I stop this function ?

username : alluser

Password : 9799y737

Posté le
John S.
John S.

Hello Jochen

As long as it is a PDF you cannot stop people from downloading.

You could make each page as a jpg, and eventually show the jpg's in a slideshow.

But you must know - if you put something on the web that people can see - then anyone can copy it. You cannot prevent people from taking screenshots.

If you want a kind of copy-protection on some material that should be visible, you could watermark it. It will not prevent copying, but the watermark will be copied also.

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Posté le de John S.
Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann

Hi John,

you are very right. At least they can do a sreenshot. Anyway I know some websites were you can read a book as a PDF File without the option to download or print. So with X5 it should also be possible to integrade a PDF File that nobody can download or print.

On my non profit website of my non profit organisation I want to offer members to read books online. I got this books as a gift for my non profit organisation. But some of them have a Copyright. So I don't want to make them public on a page that everyone can see. If only members can read it after they login it's ok cause the member is the owner of each book that belongs to the non profit organisation.

Thank you very much John.

But my task is still to integrade a book ( Actually it's not only one book. It's a n online library. ) without the option to download or to print. How can I do this with the tools in X5 ?

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Posté le de Jochen Fuhrmann
John S.
John S.

There are some possibilities.

1 - There is the X5 object - the catalog viewer :

The catalog viewer is not suitable for large files. If the files is big you should use a tool to optimize the pdf for web. It will still be readable but images will be compressed. Using the right tool ( and depending on the content of the file ) can reduce the size by a factor 1/3 or more. The object can be set to not allow downloading.

2 - You could convert the PDF to html. And then put the html in an iframe. You could create menu-buttons to jump to a paragraph, and you could apply a scroll-back button in top of each page, and a scroll-forward button in bottom of each page. You can see an example here :

Click on "Museets historie"   and you will see a PDF that is made to a html - with the scrolling options - the menu is only per page, but could have been for a paragraph.

You could use an online converter, invest in the PDF-tool, or convert to word and then to html.

3 - You simply convert each page to an image file, and show the pages in a slideahow.

4 - You convert the PDF to a PowerPoint presentation and show it on a page.

This is some of the things I would/could suggest for you.

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Posté le de John S.

Wir lösen dies so, dass wir ein geschütztes Verzeichnis auf dem Server anlegen (nicht zu verwechseln mit wx5 geschützte Seiten und sehr sicher möglich), die pdf-Dateien dort ablegen und mit einem absoluten Link (beginnend mit htt...) in der HP versehen. So kann nur mit dem Passwort / User laut Hosting zugegriffen werden.


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Posté le de JJ. JUAG
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Jochen Fuhrmann
... ... ... But my task is still to integrade a book ( Actually it's not only one book. It's a n online library. ) without the option to download or to print. How can I do this with the tools in X5 ?

... EXTRA X5 ...

>> this example  (temporary!), ... is my artisanal invention;
... if you're interested, the code is all in plain language;
Ctrl + U  to see the source code ...
... try to copy the code from line nr.10 to line nr.30, and paste directly into an HTML Code Object ...

(IT) >> questo esempio (temporaneo!), ...è una mia invenzione artigianale;
... se ti interessa, il codice è tutto in chiaro;
Ctrl+U per vedere il codice sorgente...
... provare a copiare il codice dal rigo nr.10 al rigo nr.30, ed incollare direttamente in un Oggetto Codice HTML...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
John S.
John S.

Hello KolAsim

By inspecting via F12 you can get the URL for the PDF and then you can download it.

<iframe id="iframeK" src=";embedded=true" width="100%" height="395" style="position: absolute; left 0px; top: 0px; height:100%;"></iframe>

And the URL is here :

where it can be shown and then  downloaded. But it will not be possible for the normal user - but possible it is.

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Posté le de John S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... in fact it is what I did to make the example (the egg of Columbus)cool, but it is not on the private page; ... then we know that everything that appears in the monitor has already been downloaded to the PC, which can be copied, captured, etc. ... wink


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
John S.
John S.

- and then we are back to : If you can see it, it can be copied. When it comes to PDF you either has to convert to a non-PDF or you must use a viewer where the PDF-file name is not shown in the code.

But there is no way you can prevent copying - you can only make it hard, and you can make it so, that text can not be clipped as text. And you can prevent that all can be downloaded in one file.

In the extreme you could take a photo of a screen and then OCR the photo.

So Jochen - I think there is the way KolAsim shows ( when I tried the solution I had no mouse-wheel-scroll available ) or use the catalog viewer if you want the information to be shown directly from a PDF - Else convert to something non-pdf.

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Posté le de John S.
Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann

Thank you John and KolAsim !

The solution of KolAsim is actually good enough for my needs even in his original version it shows only the half PDF for what ever reason. But you are right, an advanced user can copy and paste the link "" in his browser.

So I create a .htaccess and a .htpasswd file. ( username = alluser , password = 9799y737 )

But after I upload it by FTP in the same folder with the PDF file KolAsim's solution didn't work any more.

I upload a test page with 6 different html codes to show the PDF file :

1.<iframe src="pluginAppObj_26_42/7cosmiclaws_a.pdf#toolbar=0 height="700" width="1100" ></iframe>

2.<iframe id="iframeK" src=";embedded=true" width="100%" height="700" style="display: grid; toolbar: true; navpanes: true; top: 0px; height:100%;"></iframe>

3. <iframe id="iframeK" src=";embedded=true" width="100%" height="700" style="position: absolute; left 0px; top: 0px; height:100%;"></iframe>

4.<embed src="pluginAppObj_26_42/7cosmiclaws_a.pdf#toolbar=0&navpanes=0&scrollbar=0" width="1100" height="600">

5.<object data="pluginAppObj_26_42/7cosmiclaws_a.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="1100" height="550"></object>

6. PDF Modul of X5

1. + 4. work in Chrome, Comodo and Opera without toolbar. But once I click with the right mouse button it offers a download.

in Firefox, Edge, IE, T-Online KolAsim's doesn't work and the others still offer a download.

If one of you has a solution to change the height in 1. would be already solve my task. But maybe you have a better solution. Anyway thanks a lot for your help !

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Posté le de Jochen Fuhrmann
John S.
John S.

Hello Jochen

Have you tried the catalog-viewer?

I know it cost credits, but in EU you are entitled to in a period of 14 days, to "return"/regret.

If it suit your needs the keep it - if not then you should get your credits back, and can/(are not allowed to), no longer use the object.

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Posté le de John S.
Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann

Hi John,

like you told me already before, the catalog viewer is not good enough for books and X5 also don't recommend it for books. Nearly all my books have about 300 pages and more. So I didn't even order the catalog viewer.

You seems to be an advanced user with a huge knowledge about programming. Do you know what I need to do to show my example no. 1. of the sample page bigger ? The width is good but it was not possible change the height with any of my codes I previously set. Actually this would be good enough for me. Doesn't matter a user still can download the file with clicking the right mouse button or not.

Anyway thanks again for your very quick reply and your proffessional help ! 

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Posté le de Jochen Fuhrmann
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Jochen Fuhrmann
Thank you John and KolAsim ! ... ... ... ... ... But after I upload it by FTP in the same folder with the PDF file KolAsim's solution didn't work any more. ... ... ... ... ...

(IT > EN)  ... ... ... my unique invention could also work on a protected or confidential page, as your page was originally ...
... now that you have also protected the directory, it can no longer work ...
... also considers that PDF is not a format suitable for the WEB, and is not very shareable, in fact in some browsers you can not see and only allow downloading the file;
... as for example, on my smartphone the pure PDFs can not be seen, and instead they are seen as in my previous example through GoogleDocsViewer ...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann

Hello KolAsim,

thanks for your quick reply and your previously good help.

I know that your code works before I protect the directory and I know that the PDF directly apears by using a Smartphone or Tablet PC. But this is secondary important to me. First of all I want to be sure that nobody can see anything with just opening the direct link to any book like for example this link :

Nearly same important is for me to show any book ( PDF File ) on the website without a toolbar that offers download and print. Because of this I was already happy with your solution. Thanks again for this !

What do I need to change in your code to make sure the book is visible even the directory is protected ?

Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend.


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Posté le de Jochen Fuhrmann
John S.
John S.

Hello Jochen

This should function :

<iframe src="" style="width:1100px; height:700px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Change the URL to your URL.

If you want to "remove" the pop-out you can put the iframe in a div and then place a white square on top of it, as KolAsim did.

Please tell if it functions for you

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Posté le de John S.
John S.
John S.

Sorry - I posted before I saw your last post.

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Posté le de John S.
Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann

John thanks for your idea about div !

At least I got the solution for Firefox and Waterfox Browser by using a PC or Laptop. I use div and CSS :

html code

<div class="holder">
   <iframe src="pluginAppObj_26_42/7cosmiclaws_a.pdf#toolbar=false height="600" height="600" width="1200"></iframe>
   <div class="bar"></div>

CSS code

    width: 1200px;
    width: 100%;

Even it shows the toolbar but it is not possible to download or print my PDF. I am sure there is someone who knows a better slolution and maybe sooner or later I will get it. But for now I am happy with this solution I found with the help of John and KolAsim.

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Posté le de Jochen Fuhrmann
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... if you want the PDF to be more shareable on different browsers, you should use my first IFRAME code, with URL based as I told you on GoogleDocsViewer ...

... ciao ... wink ...


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Jochen Fuhrmann
Jochen Fuhrmann


actually your code was the best until I protect the folder of my PDF by .htaccess ! But it's important to protect this folder cause I don't want google find and show or promote it in the Google search engine. Now nobody can see the PDF when they set the complete link ( ) in their Browser.

Anyway mille Grazie

ciao et buona Domenica ;-)

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Posté le de Jochen Fuhrmann
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... yes, great ... wink ...and good Sunday to you too ... ciao

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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Myron A.
Myron A.

When I make a PDF, l use Adobe Acrobat Professional. With Adobe Acrobat Professional, I can add a PASSWORD requirement to be able to open the file. The person can certainly download the PDF, but they cannot OPEN it without knowing the password.

When I supply the end user with the PASSWORD, they can open and VIEW the PDF, but they cannot PRINT the file if I include a second level of security, which requires another PASSWORD to allow printing.

I believe Adobe Acrobat Professional will solve all your problems. However, you do have to PAY for it. It’s not free like Acrobat Reader.

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Posté le de Myron A.