WebSite X5Help Center

Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

Payments with any Polish payment system  pl

Auteur : Andrzej K.
Visité 1944, Followers 3, Partagé 0  

I have a simple question - your answer depends on my update protection:

Do you plan and if yes then when impement any Polish payment system in Website x5  (e.g. payu, tpay, dotpay, przelewy24). I don't care which one, I need any of them (as well as many Polish users of Website X5).

Proste pytanie - od Waszej odpowiedzi zależy przedłużenie upadte protection:

Czy planujecie wdrożyć i jesli tak to kiedy jakikolwiek polski system płatności do Website X5 (np. payu, tpay, dotpay, przelewy24). Nie dbam o to który z nich, potrzebuję jakiegokolwiek (podobnie jak wielu polskich użytkowników programu).

Posté le
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

I hope you are preparing information I need.

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Posté le de Andrzej K.
Elisa B.

Hi Andrzej,

thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, the payment methods you mentioned aren't currently available: still, we would be happy to take their implementation in consideration for the future. So, please feel free to create a new Idea post to report this suggestion, maybe reporting some more details about these services, too. If you prefer, I can set this message as Idea.

Also, don't forget that you can already use these payment methods, you simply need to insert the code provided by the service provider itself as custom code option in the e-commerce section.

Thanks! I wish you a lovely day.

***** Google Translation:

Cześć Andrzej,

Dziękuję za Twoją wiadomość.

Niestety, metody płatności, o których wspomniałeś, nie są obecnie dostępne: mimo to z przyjemnością uwzględnimy ich wdrożenie w przyszłości. Dlatego możesz utworzyć nowy post z pomysłem, by zgłosić tę sugestię, może też zgłosisz więcej szczegółów na temat tych usług. Jeśli wolisz, mogę ustawić tę wiadomość jako Idea.

Pamiętaj też, że możesz już korzystać z tych metod płatności, wystarczy wstawić kod dostarczony przez samego usługodawcę jako niestandardową opcję kodu w sekcji e-commerce.

Dzięki! Życzę ci miłego dnia.

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Posté le de Elisa B.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

Check below history - most of them are only repairs, improves, fixing, anomalies, etc.

They should be free, not extra paid for "update protection"...

12/10/2018 Objects NEW: AddToAny Sticky

  • Add a bar with different buttons enabling the users to share the page on their social media.

05/10/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.3.1 Entry Page

  • In some cases the page background color wasn't correctly applied

Control Panel

  • The calendar in the Analytics section wasn't displayed in the correct position

Contact Form Object

  • For particular configurations the field description icons weren't correctly displayed


  • In some cases the option "Export only Blog and RSS Feed" did not work properly
  • In particular cases the blog comments weren't displayed correctly on the control panel


  • Various fixes

12/09/2018 Objects NEW: Bounty

  • Create an animated text where numbers flow like an odometer or a slot machine.

14/08/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.2.1 General

  • In particular cases the Offline WebFonts were not correctly displayed
  • Improved compatibility with Google Fonts code @import

13/08/2018 Objects NEW: Accordion Text

  • Display texts complete with title and description in accordion style.

09/08/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.2.0 (BETA) Gallery Object

  • For particular configurations, the gallery was not displayed correctly in the Edge browser.

Menu Object

  • In particular cases the Hamburger menu was not displayed correctly.
  • In some cases, the layer menu was not displayed correctly.

Sticky bar

  • Fixed display problems on Firefox browser

Contact Form Object

  • In special cases the calendar was not displayed in the correct position.


  • The URLs for the blog categories have been unified with the symbol _ instead of + .


  • Fixes for the software's stability.
  • Various fixes

06/08/2018 Objects NEW: Textillate

  • Create an animated text and apply effects on words or letters.

02/07/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.1.1 E-Commerce

  • In some particular cases the the transmission of the order form was not correctly processed


  • Fixes on stability

27/06/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.1.0 (BETA) Sticky bar

  • In some cases the level menu wasn't correctly displayed


  • Some particular shape visualization issues on Firefox have been solved

Text Object

  • For some particular configurations the text wasn't correctly formatted


  • In particular cases the Preview wasn't correctly displayed
  • The issues related to the invalid path during the project file export have been solved
  • Fixes on stability
  • Various fixes

21/06/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.0.4 Table Object

  • The issues related to the Table Object have been solved


  • The issues related to the project conversion have been solved
  • The anomalies related to the interface in Polish have been solved
  • Fixes on the stability

18/06/2018 WebSite X5 - v16.0.3 Text Object

  • In some cases the heading styles at Step 2 were not correctly displayed
  • In particular cases the the texts weren't correctly displayed in the internat editor


  • For particular configurations the articles weren't correctly displayed
  • The date and time for the submission of blog comments weren't displayed


  • The issues about the software synchronization with https websites have been solved
  • In some cases Web Fonts weren't correctly uploaded
  • Various fixes
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Posté le de Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

You could change it to idea about Polish operator of payments. Below main operators:

But truly - which and how many ideas were implemented into programm? One per year or maybe two?

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Posté le de Andrzej K.
Elisa B.

Hi Andrzej,

thank you, I have set this message as Idea.

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you for sure if and when this idea will be implemented. Generally speaking, having several thousand customers in various countries of the world, each one with different needs, it would be very difficult to be able to satisfy all the individual requests by adding the suggested features, so it is unfortunately always necessary to make a choice. Still, all the suggestions are reported and taken into consideration.

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posté le de Elisa B.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

I had had many doubts about the extension of update protection like many errors, very small amounts of improvments and development of programm and only repair of next new errors that should be eliminated in beta versions...

However, I give you one year change to proof me that extension of update protection was a good investment.

What I expect (you could see in other comments that it is not only my expectations)?

- Less new errors - like last with animated image and finalizing with the old ones e.g. duplicate files, error (0,0)

- More improvments in standard - in fact all improvments that should be in price of update protection are made as extra paid objects...

Any Polish system of payment included into programm directly like PayPal, MultiSafepay, Sage Pay or Robokassa (see below examples)

- Possibility for adding products directly to the database of shop by operator of shop without necessary of having license for website and send a new website to the server.

- Direct selling of digital products without any operator acceptance

- More options for CMS (or for Dynamic Content object)

For me it would be enough to stay with your programm next times but without at least four first points despite the time sacrificied for learning Website x5 I need to use something better.

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Posté le de Andrzej K.