Project Loading Error- Safe handle has been closed 
Auteur : Abi J.
Visité 2374,
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I had already made a post but for some reason I can not post there anymore-
This was my original post-
I have had the software uninstalled for a while. I reinstalled today on Windows 10. I try to open my project file and I get this Project Loading Error- Safe handle has been closed.
It has been some time since I asked the question. I have since upgraded and purchased a new pc. Re installed windows and all website x5.
The same error still occurs when I try to open it. Any ideas would be great. Thanks
Posté le
Hello Abi,
The post is set to private, so we can't see it.
Try another project file if you have, maybe yours is damaged?
Thanks for your response Andre.
The post was set to hidden by the mod. Sorry I thought all mods could access it. The mod that was helping me was Stefano G.
I sent him the file that I was trying to open and he opened it fine. I don't have any other projects to open. I desperately want to open this one so I can change the hosting details.
It has not opened on my old pc or this new pc with a fresh install of the program. I wanted to try and use a trial version of a different version but it doesn't allow me to open projects without purchasing. So I am completely stuck.
I am wondering if anyone else could open it in the version 12 that I am using?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Abi.
Most probably the topic was previously set as Correct by you and just after, it was removed. This caused the topic to be closed even though the issue was still active. As reported in the other topic though, this is a pretty old error which might still happen on older version such as 12.
I was successfully able to open up the project without any particular issue at the time, so I would like to ask you to see if any user can verify this for you.
Unfortunately v12 is no longer covered by the official support of the Staff, and for this reason, you will have to resort to the helpful users and moderators of the community if you wish to try and restore the project you have, since it seems to be presenting some kind of issue on your installation specifically only
I apologize for not being able to help further
You can send it to me, I can try to open it for your and export it.
Hope it does not fail on my pc.
Ok Thanks Andre, We tried this before and it didn't work. But he managed to open it.
You can download it here-
-got it- thx andre e
I unhid the topic I posted previously if you wanted to read it. I didn't know how to do that until now.
I can open it. I optimized it as well, i think that will help too.
Let me know if you have it, then i will remove it.
Hope this helps.
Got it thanks.
When I try to add it I get this error-
An erro occured whilst loading the project. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
No idea what that means! You?
Thanks so much for helping.
There is probably a link to an object that is not there (anymore)
Update the page contents in step3 (manage button -> update /refresh)
Then try again.
Sorry Andre, I don't think I was very clear. I can not even import the file as I get that error, so I can not get to step 3.
Abi, I downloaded the iwzip that Andre returned to you and like yourself if would not open in v12 evo (same error). However, it did open perfectly in Evolution v17
If you wish to provide your existing v12 iwzip again I can test it in my v12evo.
However, I suspect you now have 2 choices. You can start a new project in v12 evo and since your website is online just copy and paste the old content to the new project and include images from your local HD (or right click on each on the website and save image as), it doesn't look like a very large task. Alternatively you can purchase evo v17 in the knowledge that your project will open and you can make changes as required (recommended).
this one is for v12 evo
Hope that helps.
Thank you both for your help!
Buying evo v17 is not an option. Any ideas why this file wont open. I know it used to be fine.
I guess copy and pasting all the info is the only option I have left. But I can not get into it to copy and paste the info. How can I go about this?
Why would it open in v17 but not v12? frustrating :( Is there any way I can get a free upgrade to v13 just so I can alter the hosting details? Maybe it would work there.
Thanks so much. I really appreciate your help
here is the download for the file if needed-
Did you try the download I made for you for v12?
Still trouble with that one? Because I can open it in v12.
Woops sorry I missed that. Yes same message error safe handling has been closed.
I am trying to screen shot it but when I paste it into photoshop its just a black screen!
Thanks again
Andre & Abi, I opened the v12 iwzip successfully in WX5 v12 evo
Could it possibly be that v12 should be uninstalled, the Incomedia folder removed from appdata and then reinstall WX5 v12?
It was just reinstald Esahc, but another try by removing all data might help.
startx5 v12 firts, then start a new project, update the page management (step3 on any page top right manage button, then refresh next screen with refresh buttun, close all save the project (you can later remove it)
now open the v12 project I made again and see if it opens now.
Thank you both
Esahc I have just uninstalled v12 and deleted the appdata folder then installed again. Instead of opening the file I tried to make a new project and do what Andre suggested and I couldn't even do that. I get an error that asks me to send a message with what I was doing when the error occured. The details log for that are as follows-
2019-03-17 11:32:12 PM [EXCEPTION] Safe handle has been closed mscorlib at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousAddRef(Boolean& success) at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleAddRef(SafeHandle pHandle, Boolean& success) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.ReleaseSemaphore(SafeWaitHandle handle, Int32 releaseCount, Int32& previousCount) at System.Threading.Semaphore.Release(Int32 releaseCount) at System.Threading.Semaphore.Release() at WebsiteX5.BL.Helpers.HeightCalculator..ctor(Control refControl) at WebsiteX5.BL.Helpers.HTMLHeightHelper.SetReferenceControl(Control control) at (Object , Control ) at A.SYF.A(Object , Control ) at A.LE.S(AD ) at A.LD.S(AD , YC ) at A.WB.A(AD , YC ) at A.WB.B(Object , MouseEventArgs ) at (Object , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at A.TYD.A(Object , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at A.SC.B(Object , MouseEventArgs ) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m) at (Object , Message& ) at A.JLJ.A(Object , Message& ) at A.VH.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 2019-03-17 11:32:12 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_product.jpg - Start 21 2019-03-17 11:32:12 PM [INFO] 40 File captcha\\imcpa_ksd.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.21 2019-03-17 11:32:12 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_address.jpg - Start 13 2019-03-17 11:32:12 PM [INFO] 39 File res\\key_go.png - End 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\ecommerce.png - Start 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\move_left.png - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\cancel.png - Start 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\logo.png - Start 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\css\\print.css - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\index.php - Start 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 38 File captcha\\imcpa_u3u.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 38 File res\\separatorv.png - End 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 38 File res\\video_thumb.png - End 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 38 File res\\exclamation.png - End 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\footer.php - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 38 File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 38 File res\\x5engine.php - End 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File admin\\blog.php - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 36 File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 36 File res\\imfolder_open.gif - End 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\key_go.png - Start 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 36 File res/x5settings.js - End 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\exclamation.png - Start 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 28 File captcha\\imcpa_a47.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imfolder_open.gif - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\separatorv.png - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\video_thumb.png - Start 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 27 File res\\imLoad.gif - End 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 27 File res\\date.gif - End 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 27 File res\\imArrT.png - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrL.png - Start 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 22 File captcha\\imcpa_zgn.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrT.png - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imLoad.gif - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\date.gif - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 21 File res\\move.png - End 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 21 File res\\imSound.swf - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 21 File res/ - End 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] HTML height calculation - Cannot instantiate the browser: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070008) 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\move.png - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 18 File captcha\\imcpa_a5p.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imSound.swf - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 17 File res\\imPanZoom.swf - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\imPanZoom.swf - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 16 File res\\expressInstall.swf - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\expressInstall.swf - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 15 File res\\swfobject.js - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.php - Start 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 14 File captcha\\imcpa_ljc.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 13 File res\\x5engine.js - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.js - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 11 File res\\l10n.js - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\swfobject.js - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 10 File sitemap.xml - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res\\l10n.js - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 9 File style\\print.css - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res/ - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 8 File captcha\\imcpa_3jg.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File res/x5settings.js - Start 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\print.css - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 7 File style\\reset.css - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 7 File captcha\\x5captcha.php - End 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\reset.css - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File sitemap.xml - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\x5captcha.php - Start 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 41 File captcha\\imcpa_pey.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ksd.gif - Start 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 40 File captcha\\imcpa_glf.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_zgn.gif - Start 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_a5p.gif - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 37 File captcha\\imcpa_rf6.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ljc.gif - Start 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 28 Page 0 - End 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_3jg.gif - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_pey.gif - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_glf.gif - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 33 File style\\template.css - End 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_rf6.gif - Start 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] C:\\Users\\Abigail Jacques\\Documents\\Incomedia\\WebSite X5 v12 - Evolution\\_temp_v95g8614 | Server accepting requests 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 100 File style\\bg.jpg - End 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 100 File style\\top.png - End Error: Cannot Generate Image14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 83 File style\\bottom.png - End Error: Cannot Generate Image26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 50 File style\\headerbg.jpg - End 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 33 File style\\content.jpg - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 20 File style\\menu.jpg - End 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\headerbg.jpg - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\content.jpg - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\menu.jpg - Start 11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 100 Page -9 - End 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 0 Page -8 - End 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Change time: -9 2019-03-17 19:32:11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Change time: -8 2019-03-17 19:32:11 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 0 File style/menu.css - End 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 90 File style/ie.css - End 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 80 File menu/sub_h.png - End 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 80 File menu/sub_f.png - End 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 80 File menu/sub_l.png - End 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 80 File menu/sub_l_h.png - End 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 80 File menu/sub_m_h.png - End 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 80 File menu/sub_f_h.png - End 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 10 File menu/sub.png - End 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style/ie.css - Start 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File style/menu.css - Start 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l_h.png - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_m_h.png - Start 26 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_f_h.png - Start 21 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l.png - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l.png - Start 3 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_f.png - Start 12 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_h.png - Start 17 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/sub.png - Start 15 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 0 File menu/ver_main_c.png - End 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 0 File menu/ver_main.png - End 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] 0 File menu/ver_main_h.png - End 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/ver_main_c.png - Start 16 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/ver_main_h.png - Start 14 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] File menu/ver_main.png - Start 13 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 2019-03-17 11:32:11 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
I have marked this post for attention by Incomedia, perhaps something in the above post will lead them to a solution.
Try install/reinstall .Net Framework and Visual C++
This post may help? See Claudio's entry (I had to do this when I did a clean Win10 install recently)
Thanks so much for everyones help.
I have done these steps-
Try to repair the .NET Frameworks by following these steps:
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. Clear also the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and 4.6 and then click ok.
I did not do this step- Once done proceed to reinstall the Visual C++ 2013 library:
As Windows 10 is not on the supported opperating system list. Not sure if it would work?
Could a large collection of fonts or even a bad font cause this error? I see a lot of fonts on this error but they all seem to be at the begining of the error and loaded ok.
I tried to start up wx5 after the above steps and it didn't work. I had this Error-
2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [EXCEPTION] Safe handle has been closed mscorlib at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousAddRef(Boolean& success) at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleAddRef(SafeHandle pHandle, Boolean& success) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeNativeMethods.ReleaseSemaphore(SafeWaitHandle handle, Int32 releaseCount, Int32& previousCount) at System.Threading.Semaphore.Release(Int32 releaseCount) at System.Threading.Semaphore.Release() at WebsiteX5.BL.Helpers.HeightCalculator..ctor(Control refControl) at WebsiteX5.BL.Helpers.HTMLHeightHelper.SetReferenceControl(Control control) at (Object , Control ) at A.SYF.A(Object , Control ) at A.LE.S(AD ) at A.LD.S(AD , YC ) at A.WB.A(AD , YC ) at A.WB.B(Object , MouseEventArgs ) at (Object , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at A.TYD.A(Object , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at A.SC.B(Object , MouseEventArgs ) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m) at (Object , Message& ) at A.JLJ.A(Object , Message& ) at A.VH.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.php - Start 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 12 File res\\x5engine.js - End 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - Start 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 11 File captcha\\imcpa_wax.gif - End Error: The type initializer for \'Atalasoft.Imaging.AtalaImage\' threw an exception.9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.js - Start 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File res\\swfobject.js - Start 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 10 File res/ - End 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 10 File res\\l10n.js - End 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] HTML height calculation - Cannot instantiate the browser: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070008) 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File res\\l10n.js - Start 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 8 File sitemap.xml - End 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File res/ - Start 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 7 File style\\top.png - End Error: Cannot Generate Image8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File sitemap.xml - Start 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 6 File style\\bottom.png - End Error: Cannot Generate Image28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_wax.gif - Start 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xt3.gif - Start 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_y67.gif - Start 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_rf7.gif - Start 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ykp.gif - Start 19 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 50 File style\\template.css - End 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_7rd.gif - Start 5 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_jrs.gif - Start 26 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] C:\\Users\\Abigail Jacques\\Documents\\Incomedia\\WebSite X5 v12 - Evolution\\_temp_4z31jau3 | Server accepting requests 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 66 File style\\bg.jpg - End 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 50 File style\\bottombg.jpg - End 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 50 File style\\content.png - End 19 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 50 File style\\headerbg.jpg - End 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\bg.jpg - Start 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\bottombg.jpg - Start 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\headerbg.jpg - Start 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\content.png - Start 19 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 100 Page -9 - End 5 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 0 Page -8 - End 26 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 5 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Change time: -9 2019-03-18 09:23:58 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 26 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Change time: -8 2019-03-18 09:23:58 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 26 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 5 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 17 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 86 File style/menu.css - End 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 92 File style/ie.css - End 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 84 File menu/sub_l_h.png - End 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/sub_f.png - End 19 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/sub_m_h.png - End 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/hor_main.png - End 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/sub_l.png - End 26 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/sub.png - End 5 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/hor_main_c.png - End 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 76 File menu/sub_h.png - End 17 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style/menu.css - Start 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File style/ie.css - Start 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 23 File menu/sub_f_h.png - End 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l_h.png - Start 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 23 File menu/hor_main_h.png - End 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] 23 File menu/sub_m.png - End 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_m_h.png - Start 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_m_h.png - Start 28 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_f_h.png - Start 27 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l.png - Start 26 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_m.png - Start 16 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_f.png - Start 19 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_h.png - Start 17 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/sub.png - Start 5 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/hor_main_c.png - Start 9 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/hor_main_h.png - Start 7 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] File menu/hor_main.png - Start 8 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 2019-03-18 1:23:58 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 2019-03-18 1:23:57 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:57 PM [INFO] site | Server ready 2019-03-18 1:23:57 PM [INFO] site | Server running on 2019-03-18 1:23:56 PM [INFO] wizProjectSelection 2019-03-18 1:23:54 PM [INFO] Loading System.Transactions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 2019-03-18 1:23:54 PM [INFO] Loading System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 2019-03-18 1:23:54 PM [INFO] Loading System.ServiceModel.Internals, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 2019-03-18 1:23:54 PM [INFO] Loading SMDiagnostics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 2019-03-18 1:23:54 PM [INFO] Loading System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 2019-03-18 1:23:52 PM [INFO] wizStart 2019-03-18 1:23:52 PM [INFO] Loading CefSharp.WinForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 2019-03-18 1:23:52 PM [INFO] Loading CefSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 2019-03-18 1:23:52 PM [INFO] Loading CefSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Loading WebSiteX5.Browser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90163a1b10d8b8a5 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Opening the Main Window 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Creating Wizard Manager 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Configuring Form Main 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Creating WBE 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Updating Libraries - End 2019-03-18 1:23:50 PM [INFO] Updating PluginApps 2019-03-18 1:23:49 PM [INFO] Updating Templates 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Updating User Status 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Updating Libraries - Start 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Libraries - End 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Cart Steps Styles 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Page Layouts 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Cell Formats 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Image Editor Properties 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Templates 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading PluginApps 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:48 PM [INFO] Loading Buttons Styles 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Loading Buttons 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Loading Languages 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Loading Currencies 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: {hazel grace} 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: [ank]* 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zurich LtCn BT 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zurich Lt BT 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: ZIMAT SHADOW II 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: ZIMAT SHADOW 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: ZIMAT REGULER 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: ZILAP GEOMETRIK 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zephyr Rough 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zephyr Grunge 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zephyr 3D 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zephyr 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zelda 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zanjeros 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Zabaglione 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic UI Semilight 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic UI Semibold 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic UI 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic Medium 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic Medium 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yu Gothic 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Your Royal Majesty 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Your Font 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yonder 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yellowtail 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yellowtail 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yellow Jelly 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Year supply of fairy cakes 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yaquote Script Personal Use 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yanone Kaffeesatz Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yanone Kaffeesatz Extra Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Yanone Kaffeesatz 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: X-Files 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wrexham Script Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wrexham Script 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: World Explorer 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Workhard 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Woodwarrior Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Woodwarrior 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Woodpecker 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Woodland 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: WOODIE 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Woodcut 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: wonderwall 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: wonder dingbats 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: wonder 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wolfsbane 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wolf in the City Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wolf in the City 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wizards Magic 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wizard Of The Moon 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Witches Magic 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Witch Baby 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishful 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishes Script Pro Text 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishes Script Pro Display 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishes Script Ornaments Text 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishes Script Ornaments Display 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishes Script Caps Text 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wishes Script Caps Display 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wisdom Script 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Winnie Marrie 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Serif_Solid 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Serif_Outline 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Vintage 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Silhouette 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Regular_Shadow 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Regular 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Extra 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Bold_Shadow 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingman_Brush_Bold 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingdings 3 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingdings 2 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wingdings 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Windy Wood Demo 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: WillyWonka 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: willow bloom 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wilfur 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wildbelle 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wild Pen OT 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wild Pen 5 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wild Pen 4 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wild Pen 3 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wild Pen 2 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wild Pen 1 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wide West 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wide Latin 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wicked Grit 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Whoa! 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: White On Black 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Whistlewoods 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Whispering 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Whimsy TT 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Whalerig 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Westmeath 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Westcoast Letters 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wensley Demo 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wendi 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: WelloneExtras 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wellone 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Webdings 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wayback 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Waverly 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wausau 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Waterlily 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Warrior Spurs 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Warrior Catchwords 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Warrior 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Warpath 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: WAR BRUSH 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wanderlust Letters Extras 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wanderlust Letters 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Waltus 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Waltograph UI 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Waltograph 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wallington SC 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wallington 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wallet Felt Bold 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wallet Felt 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Wallet Chalk 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Walden 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: VTKS Estilosa 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Void Semibold 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Void Regular 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Void Light 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Void Bold 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Vladimir Script 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Vivian 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Vivaldi 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: VIPER NORA 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Violla 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Violet Night 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Violet Full 2019-03-18 1:23:47 PM [INFO] Adding Font Family: Violet Bee
You need to reinstall .net framework Abi,
Download this file: vcredist_x86.exe from here:
I did not do this step- Once done proceed to reinstall the Visual C++ 2013 library:
When I rebuilt Win10 I had to install Visual C++, and what is more WX5 would not function until I had the 64bit AND the x86 versions.
Windows has never played well with too many fonts loaded, even back in XP I exploded windows by loading too many fonts on more than one occasion. When this was an issue it seemed to cause problems almost at random with individual programs not necessarily accessing the fonts making it difficult to diagnose the problem (it seemed to be some sort of stack overflow which corrupted memory or the space required by support apps eg .NET?) You may wish to try removing some (half?)