New upgrade - gallery - THUMBNAIL CHANGE 
Auteur : Linda D.
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This may be confusing because.... I'm confused!
With the latest software upgrade the choices for the thumbnails in the gallery tool have changed. Previously I had chosen a thumbnail that displayed the whole photograph. Now, the software is trying to crop my photo to fit into a square and it doesn't look as good. Also, the frame of the thumbnail has changed.
I want the old option back but am unsure how to play with the software to acheive this.
The photo I have attached has one thumbnail appearing as the old software (the option I want) but the second photo has the new upgrade option.
Thanks in advance.
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This is how I want the photo gallery to look. So the formatting for each photo is exactly the same and that the whole of the photo shows in the thumbnail.
Hello.I sent a request to the technical support of the developers.Expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hello Linda,
Please go to the Thumbnails tab of the Gallery Object and click on Preset Image > None as shown below:
You may find that this resolves the issue. If it does then you can proceed to select a frame or custom frame of your choice from the options available.
Kind regards,
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Hi All!
I posted a big malfunction on the thumbnails of the gallery object ...
(Sorry but my post is in FR...
New information.
See my post here :
and see the last answer of stefano which explains how to retrieve thumbnails from version 17.
May be useful for you ?
Thanks everybody.
My apologies for intruding. . . .
Can I now assume that the bug introduced in v2019.3.11 where thumbnails using any preset image other than none or custom always get zoomed larger than the available display space?
This was not the case in v2019.2
Why is this acceptable? Why has everyone accepted that this was fixed with the release of v2019.3.10?
How do I now stop images being overzoomed without being forced to use no template?
Hi Gordon,
You're right... I wrote this:
I close the page (reluctantly ...) because we find ourselves there before "the policy of the fait accompli".
Don't know if "fait accompli" (in french) is undersantable in english?
I remember vaguely having already pointed out the malfunction of the thumbnails during the Beta tests of the version, but no one has reacted in a good way.
This should not be fait accompli !!
This ticks me off. Thumbnails have worked since the year dot, why would they break them and call this a new feature.
A simple upgrade to a new version for a website upgraded through many version over many years and suddenly I have to dumb down a page.
Perhaps tomorrow I shall not be quite as angry, but I doubt it.
Hello Jiper, Esahc
I would like to shed some light on this since perhaps the new way this works might have been misunderstood.
First of all, yes. If you wish to recreate the exact same looks as before you will have to perform changes in the Gallery. This is so due to the removal of the thumbnails from the older versions.
That being said, obtaining the same effect as before is still definitely doable.
Consider all of these more like "masks" now rather than thumbnail backgrounds:
The images in the gallery will appear zoomed and cropped to be presented with about the same size. This is not so if you choose to display the image without thumbnails.
If you still wish to use an older thumbnail look (or a custom one) you can simply select "Custom image" and select one of the old thumbnails looks from an old installation folder such as:
C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 v16 - Professional\Res\Gallery
This should give you the look you need. No zoom and thumbnail just like before
Keep in mind that this should not happen to everyone.
In fact, if WebSite X5 is able to find the old style in the installation files ( meaning that WebSite X5 was updated from the internal update system and still has some of the old files available) the image should automatically be set as Custom thumbnail. The user will not have to change anything then
If it doesn't, then the procedure I described still stands
Try this out and let me know if this works for you
Thank you
Hello Stefano,
I fully understood the method to recover the thumbnails of an old version. I even practiced it by recovering the thumbnails of version 13 for one of the following versions...
My problem was that I had 107 (!!) galleries pages with each (or almost ...) a different thumbnail, some of which I had created myself.
So I had to modify all the galleries (107 !!) to give a suitable thumbnail for the presentation of my pages.
I do not find it normal that this new presentation of the thumbnails can create so many problems. And, at first glance, I'm not the only one in this case.
Gert.D is also part of the club:
As you could see on my intervention "FR" it was a real disaster during the conversion. I had to redo all my galleries (107 !!). All this for a new presentation that only had to satisfy the one who created it.
But without any grudge, today everything is back to normal.
Happy Holidays with your family.
Stefano, at this time I have no wish or need to recreate the thumbnails exactly as they were before (although I am now aware that I can quite easily because I have access to an older version).
But other than using no template, how can I display the thumbnails without zoom?
This zoom "feature" may have been a welcome option in some cases, but generally it is an unwelcome change that has been mandated without any good reason (the thumbnails worked fine in v2019.2).
Is this a blunder that will get fixed perhaps in v2019.3.12, or are we stuck with this mistake forever?
Is this change from v2019.3.11 or from early version? I am still working in 2019.3.9 and I afraid about these changes. By the way Stefano - is it really do big problem to add filling alt tag in programm galleries from description? Take care about our time to do it manually after each change of each website...
Hello Esahc
Before, unless I am mistaken, you could display the thumbnails without zoom ( it was so by default ) by either selecting "no template" or by selecting whatever template.
Now, you need to either select "no template" or select a custom one. Essentially, you should be able to achieve the exact same result. Instead of selecting the template from directly inside the software though, you import it from an external image. All the new Zoom effect thumbnails are completely new instead.
It should work exactly as before but you now also have the possibility of using thumbnails with zoom.
Let me know if anything is unclear or if perhaps I am misunderstanding your question. Perhaps a real case scenario could also help
Thank you
Thank you Stefano, you may wish to direct the attention of whoever thought this was a good idea to or perhaps the developer is trying to emulate an old wordpress plug-in, in which case, perhaps we too could be advised how to stop crop or zoom
Thumbnail images should be simply small versions of a large image, not some cropped portion of the larger image, the new templates would be great if the zoom was simply optional.
Surely, since it is "so easy" to add custom templates it would have been just as easy to provide an array of unzoomed/uncropped thumbnail templates along with these wonderful new versions?
But as Jiper has stated, it appears it is now fait accompli, or down here in Oz, "such is life". I will learn to live with an unsatisfactory object, ignore the templates and when users complain I will advise how to use no template (IF the user appears to be capable and they are long time users I will advise how to retrieve useable templates), I will also point out it was a decision made by a developer of 2019.3, not as a request from users..
Any Template
No template
Which do you think is more useful?