X5 Evolution 12 updated- but video error msg browser /flash not! 
Auteur : Richard M.X5 Evolution says it has latest update.
I maintain a small website for our train club. (www.http://oregonelectricogaugers.com/ ) Up until now, I have uploaded photos and created some slide shows, and added links to train clubs and things around our area. Recently a member sent me a video of his layout. (MP4 3MB) I set a page up with the grid and video/audio icon, but I cannot upload the video. . (I uploaded it to our face book page, and I can view it on my pc) X5 Error msg is browser is not compatible with flash or HTML 5. Researching, I find that Adobe Flash has been blocked by Chrome and Edge . I find no literature in X5 FAQ or even general search of X5’s site for an alternative.
I have checked for updates, but am told my version is up to date. I noticed a list in FAQ for several updates to X5 ev 12. I did not look through all of them, as the first few had different issues, but the instructions were the same…. Look for updates, and install.
What is the “workaround”? Or is my version “really up to date”?
Thanks. Richard Meneghelli
ps... it would be helpful if this window had spell check.....
Version 12 is very old.The current version is 2020.3 (i.e. over 10 upgrade later) the v12 has not been updated for a long time.adobe flash is practically no longer used.
Updates take place within the main versions, updates are always new main versions.
wx5 does not currently have a spell check
Versions history
Richard, Flash (used extensively back in V12) has been discontinued and is actively being blocked in most browsers due to security concerns.
As JJ says, you need a current version of WX5, even slide shows that work now will stop working in due course (if generated in flash). Under your profile (top right) you should check under Offers to see if there are any discounts available at this time.
If you create an iwzip (step 5 export project) in v12, then import this into the current version, WX5 will do a surprisingly good job updating to todays standards.
A workaround to the MP4 may be to upload to youtube and then link it from your web page?
Thnak you for all the suggestions.... I could use the suggested work-arounds , but first will investigate the cost of the newer versions... I assume my first submission would be to upload the entire website, not just updated pages.
Our site is more of a blog, but it has 15 pages. The latest update of the basic x5, only allows 10. If not for that, It wouild be perfect... but $80 to go to the next level is a lot for me... I already contribute to the cost of the domain, and the club does not make money when we set up our large layout... it's just to share with the public...
I could not find any "discounts". We do have facebook page, but several members do not engage on facebook, nor want to. Please advise. Thanks.
I can trim our pages below ten, by combining.... Can I use the "free" version of W5 Go? and simply use it to open my current site to edit and update current photos and pages to its format? Or do I have to start a new project.
again our site is www.oregonelectricogagers.com it was created with X5 12
Richard, you cannot import evo (any version) into go. Evo can only be imported into Evo or Pro. Transfer of information to Go could possibly be achieved by copy and paste.
To be fair, your v12 has served you well for 8 years, based on your above quoted price that is $10 per year assuming the new version serves you for as long :-)
PS a link displaying your facebook page embedded on your website may encourage some to access this resource?
IF I decide to keep working with v12, would the work-around of posting the slide shows and videos on facebook first, and linking to them on the wevbsite allow the "non-facebook" members to view them?...
We have many elderly members who do not want to work with faceblook.... and reluctantly use the internet. As for bargains --( v12 only cost me about $40 .) I could then post a photo and a link on our website. The site was my idea many years ago, when I searched for an "O Scale" (Think Lionel) train club in my area and could not find any. We have gained members since becasue of the site. But the club cannot afford to purchase Evo, so it's on me.
Richard, I may have mis-spoken. HTML5 was used in WX5 since version 9, I understand there was no flash in galleries and slide shows (I am surprised no-one corrected me). Videos were well supported in v12 but may not have supported some of the newer codecs today, moving the video to youtube should resolve the problem.
A link to facebook is always a good idea, and as long as the facebook page is public I do not believe it is necessary to have a facebook account to view your page. Even though v12 is old, this video should describe how to embed the iFrame code
The time may come when new standards stop features working, but at least V12 had rudimentary responsive layout. If you can find work arounds to make your site do as you wish I can understand why you might stick with it as the lowest cost option,
Thank you for that clarification. I have decided to try the facebook link rather than work with X5 Go at this timel.... I'll play around with it... I have to see how easy it is to transfrer the current site.
I can trim our pages down some, as I have a couple of pages dedicated to member layouts that could combine to one "long" one. And several others that can combine, bringing the total tio less than 10... But for now, I'll use links for facebook videos, and that will satisfy members who simply want to stay away from fb.
I'm still trying to link our webpage to member posted videos from our fb page. "embedding" casues x5 to crash. I've posted a question to the fb community about linking to "only an individual" post. And that may provide the best solution.
I've seen instructions for linking to the entire page,but that's not for me. I've followed instructions for a "single post".... click on the datestamp, and copy the url from the new window that opens. I then create a "Link" on my x5 page. Then upload changes. I get the desired video, but get many.. as in a lot! unrelated random videos too. When I'm uploading the changes, I see many links to other posts of our fb page, but that is not what shows on the website. I only want a single video post. My intention was to make several individual video links. If I link to the facebook page of our videos, I do get all those videoson the webpage, but you cannot view them unless you log in to facebook... hmmm
I'm almost ready to experiment with "cut n paste" with "GO". Any suggestions to avoid problems?
There is a discount for purchasing x5 Evo... but not quite ready for that yet.
Thank you again for your advice and encouragement.
Richard, back in older versions (& currently) I put the videos up into youtube and it was very easy and very reliable.
If you do not wish to upload to youtube, have you played with the free handbrake (https://handbrake.fr/)?
You should be able to convert each of your videos to a format supported by WX5 and embed them in the project
Thanks for all your encouragement and suggestions.... It's complicated and time consuming.. The new program has a learning curve. I'm goingto purchase x5 evo+. I appreciate all the time you have taken, but "cut and paste" to the free version would involve a lot of time.
As I sign off to our train club.... Always learning . Always TRAINing. Richard.
A new issue has come up... I did purchase the x5 EVO and exported the file from the v12, then imported. Everything went fine, untill I tried to upload. The error came up "couldn't connect to server". I checked the settings page, and the data were exactly the same. In fact i did upload changes with the old v12 program and it went fine. But when I tried to upload from EVO, it would not.
I just spent an hour with my provider tech support, and he couldn't figure out why I was blocked. We tried several workarounds, but no success. Did I cause a "problem" when I uploaded from v12, then again from EVO? It would not work last night immediately after I used v12, but also did not work this morning. Hmmm. any suggestions ? The provider tech support person is bringing it to a team...
my tech support couldn't figure it out... but something on the server was blocking EVO from contacting the server. Error message:Unable to connect with server, please check with provider for correct connection info.
We tried: double checked connection information.
I deleted and re-entered the info, as EVO simply "copied" all of v12's settings from the exported project. .
The tech thought it might be the complex password they originally gave me so he tried a simple one.
We tried both ftp adn sftp Actually the tech could "connect" with my settings, but EVO could not.
The Tech thought possible conflict with v12 and EVO , since v12 is still active on my computer.??, but could offer no reason that my EVO would not connect....???? Possible delete both and re install EVO?
Richard, who is your host? The settings as in v12 should work fine in the latest version.
Normally this issue is caused by 3rd party av/malware/firewall/vpn, so the first suggestion is to temporarily uninstall any 3rd party protection (I am not aware of any issues with Windows av/firewall). I have many versions of WX5 installed, I am not aware of any conflicts due to multiple versions.
When you open step5 Upload website to internet, can you click on the file browser. Does it display the files online? If this is not making a connection we may need to look at Windows Event Log to see what is failing/being blocked.
Food for thought?
Recently a customer using crazydomains had issues because his IP address had been "greylisted". This ONLY intereferred with WX5, no other FTP programs (https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/fr/post/234077)
Some time back a customer could not upload and it was utlimately found to be a new virus/malware protection pack installed on the host blocking WX5
After uninstalling and reinstalling, the program works. I have to reconfigure a few things, but I did upload the entire program from EVO and then made some slight changes. The menu is not on the side bar, and Im sure there will be a slight learning curve.. but at least I can now deal with videos and our slide shows without the work arounds.
Thank you for all your time.... I also expressed my gratitude to the internet provider tech support. I have used this company for over15 years. They are not the cheapest in our area, but tech support is free.
I am a retired teacher 30+ years and tutoring for another 10.
Thanks again.... Always Learning. Always TRAINing. Richard.
I spoke too soon.... some issues have happened. Somehow I lost background and side menu on all pages. I just get the "hamburger" upper right. The links still work but all the pages have white background.... and no sidebar menu. I know it's some "setting" I neglected??
but the biggest dissappointment is the video still doesn't load. First from a video on my computer that I reformated to "AVI". Then I ttried to copy and paste a faebook link. Different error than with x5v12, but the same for both. I sent a screen capture -- it is two errors overlayed.... "The plug in is not supported" and "Install Media player plug in"
Of course, I could still create a link to a YouTube video, but I could do that with x5v12. If that is the case, there is no need to keep x5 EVO. I have a 30 day trial, to get my money back.
Having said that --- I think there was a post that even the Gallery from my v12 will no longer work.... Is that true, or just someone's guess?
Thank you.....Always learning. Always TRAINing.. Richard.
I dd forget to mention. The pages show the side bar menu appropriately on the previews, but the uploaded pages do not. Only the body and the "hamburger" upper right. hmm
Richard, with the videos are you attempting to view the results in the preview browser?
If so, go to step5 export website to disk (choose an appropriate folder), when done navigate to the folder and open the index file in your favourite browser - does it work? More importantly does it work online (where do I find it on your site?)
I see you have made the rash decision to upload the upgraded site, if it was me I would have left the existing site up and uploaded to a folder (eg new) until all the wrinkles were ironed out. The jump from v12 to v2020.3 encompasses MANY changes.
I wrote this before I realised your upgraded site was online, so I see you have got your menu working. If there is isufficient room for a text menu you will always see the hamburger menu. I would make the whole website larger (perhaps 1150?) in step 2 resolutions and responsive designs and then in step 2 template structure I would make the sidebar wider to accomodate the menu. For every resolution less than desktop I would remove the sidebar and in less than desktop add the menu to the header in step2 Template content.
Richard, in case you haven't realised, the sidebar is on your site online. I am guessing your browser window is too small and you are seeing tablet view.
Wow -- Hidden in plain sight... I did not upload the video after the preview gave me the error. "deja vu all over again." I did have my EVO window and browser window about 2/3 size... I just didn't realize it made a difference. Most of the time, I just use the scroll bar to move around the window... multitasking... itunes with visual in part of the computer screen..... Won't make that mistake again...
everything looks great now that I have full size window. I'll now relax and take some time with the parameters you have given.... EVo is complex... I was pretty sure the upgrade would do what the v12 did with more "gizmos", and our site is pretty basic. I didn't think of exporting to a temp... I exported, checked the site. If ok, I left it. If not I went back and deleted the culprit, and re exported. I'll try the video after I change paramaters.
Thank you for your patience.... I do tend to jump into things...... I'm a diving board guy, not a swimmer, and I don't just mosey horses, I ride over jumps.....I programmed computers with punch cards in college. Our district's first computer was the apple 2E 512 kb and everyone was afraid of it. I took it into my shop class and to the starff's horror, let the kids teach me. But technology has gone far beyond... Now I ask my 11 year old grandson for advice. Even EVO was beyond him. So now I can show off a little.
but I continue to tell him we are always learning; always TRAINing. Thanks. Richard.