Advertising Message Issue Lacks Important Control 
Auteur : Giulio V.I am a Fan of website X5 but little glitches in the widgets dissapoint with thier usage.
I love having the the Advertizing Message widget but it seems to be lacking in controlling how it appears in different resolutions.
For instance, when I set it up there is No Controll to stop it from appearing on lower resolution mobile views.
Am I missing something here? I really want it to show on desktop sized screens but not on Mobile sized screens. When I go to show or hide in responsive settings for lower resolutions I don't see the photo which is placed in the header.
When in the header I see the Advertizing photo but does not give the ability to hide in lower resolution sizes.
Please let me know if I am missing something or if anyone has found a solution to this issue...
Thank you all, Giulio
Hello.Please give a link to the page of the site where this widget is located. I will try to help you.
Hi Aleksej,
Thank you for helping me... I had to take the widget off because it shows the photo on all mobile views which is not good.
There is no way I can chose to have it only show on desktop and not on moble resolutions.
I really Love the widget and hope to get more control with it.
Here is what I have done to use the Advertizing Message.
In step 1 - I go to Advanced and pick Advertizing Message.
Next I choose Show Ads In a Box - Then In (Position) I pick (Top Right or Left), Then in Effect I pick (Fade-in Up).
The effect works great on desktop but cannot prevent it from showing on mobile.
I brought this up a couple years ago to the attention of Incomedia and could not get it resolved so I not used it since which is sad.
Thank you for looking into this.
(It > En) ... you can condition it easily with a simple EXTRA code, copy / paste ...
... but if you want to be helped, you have to post your LINK ...
Hi KolAsim,
Thank yoiu for the reply... where can I get the code and were can I paste it?
Thank you, Giulio
... as I said before, I need the LINK of your page...
I had to take the advertizing message off because it was blocking the mobile resolutions.
Do you want me to set it up again?
For the meantime I have placed a photo with the Animated Widget which works, and I can control to hide it at lower resolutions. It is at the lower right banner.
Here is the website.
Thank you.
... without "advertizing message" I cannot verify ...
... and possibly, if you add it, we'll meet again tomorrow ...
Hi Giulio,
I confirm that, if you are using the Advertising Message option, it will be automatically displayed for all the resolutions.
May I kindly suggest creating an Idea post, so to report the described need?
Thanks! Kind regards.
Giulio, you will probably opt to use KolAsim's code, but I prefer to use standard WX5 proceedures where possible. To this end you could use a workaround. Because you use PRO you have the option of an Intro page for your site. This can determine resolution of the browser and bring up an alternative site.
You could create a mobile subdomain eg and have your website automatically open the subdomain when the resolution is less than say 800px wide. This subdomain can be the exact same website but without the advertising message.
Additionally you could take advantage of this mobile website and tailor alternative advertising or change other features to better suit a mobile only environment (eg remove high bandwidth content like movies), the only downside is then maintaining 2 almost identical projects.
Have a great day - I fully understand if you ignore this suggestion.
... OK x "mobile" ...
The only issue I have with the Advertizing Message is there is not an easy way to stop it from showing on lower resolutions.
The Ad Does scale down on lower mobile resolutions but it is intrusive, and that little X to cancel it is so small to even know it is there. (the ad should be made to dissapear when clicked outside the ad. The X is too small.
There should be a way to easily have this option available to show or hide at specific resolutions like you can do easily in "Template Content".
KolAsim's offer to provide a code is appreciated. But if I load the Ad message for KolAsim to view it, then it will be showing at all resolutions creating an unpleasant user experience until it is fixed.
So if I insert the Ad message tonight will KolAsim be available to check it out as soon as possible tomorrow morning so he can provide the code?
I hope Incomedia can fix this as soon as possible, it is a very nice feature but as some other widgets they are not fully thought through.
Thank you everyone. Giulio
(It > En) ... if you do it now, it takes me little time to provide you with the code; ... until about 8 pm I am available; notify me...
... and then you will solve with a simple and immediate copy / paste ...
Hi KolAsim,
It is 10:35 here in the Eastern US time zone. Considering this time zone, up until what time can I make the change and notify you in my time zone. I need time to get to the computer to do this.
Thank you for your assistance it is very much apprieciated.
... here it is 17:01 ... you have about three hours of time ...
... if your message is of the traditional type, you can already do the test with this code, set on breakpoint "640"; i think it is fine for mobile phone, but you can customize as you like according to your needs; ... in case let me know ...
<style> @media (max-width:640px) { #splashbox-advcorner {display:none !important} } </style>
... if the message is only on the HOME PAGE, paste the code here:
>> Step 3 - Map > The 'Page Properties' window > Options in the Expert section | ▪Custom Code: > 3^option > Before closing the HEAD tag
... otherwise you paste it in the same position but in Step 1