Specify menu level in page settings 
Auteur : John S.In the good old days we had the possibility to create e side-menu and the system then showed the appropriate evel for that menu. This was not possible from v.13
I suggest we could have 3 settings for a page:
Level for header menu
Level for sidebar menu
Level for footer-menu
If no value is put in the setting, then the menu-objects own setting should be used.
If a setting is specified, then this setting should overrule the menus own setting.
This should happen at the time the page is created.
This will make it possible to have no setting for the header menu which means that this menu will/could always be the top level.
Then on the pages it could be specified a level for the sidebar. This will mean that the sidebar could act in the "old" way by showing a side menu for the specific level.
This also means that the menu only has to be made once, the styling will be the same and the menu can be made sticky in the sidebar and then it will not roll out of focus. It will save a lot of work.
It should be rather simple to make - huge outcome for some programming effort.
I have suggested this before but where I suggested the setting in the menus. Doing it the simple way I now suggest will do, that it will only be possible to have one menu in header, footer and sidebar as it will have effect for all menus placed here. But we still have the menu on a page, which should then be OK.
Hello. I sent a notification about your ideato the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
@INCOMEDIA - this new 3 fields (setting for: header,footer and sidebar) in the page setting should be empty by default.
This will do that the system is fully backward-compatible. When no value in a field, then the system will act like it does today.
When a field has a value, then when the page is created/constructed by the software, then the level for the menu should be taken from the field and not from the menu itself.
This just to clarify how simple it should be - to make, and for us users to understand. Users that are familiar with the X5 before the v.14 will see the possibility for an automatic left-menu. New users and potentially customers, will see it as a huge improvement - I think.
Hi John,
just to make sure I correctly understood what you mean: are you referring to the possibility of displaying the submenu automatically on subpages?
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello Elisa
No - what I mean is this :
In the settings for the menu, you have to specify a level.
This should not be changed.
BUT - we should have a setting for a page where you could specify the "same" level for the page. There should be 3 fields. One for the header, one for the footer and one for the side-var.
Then when X5 creates the pages the following should happen:
If for the header,sidebar and footer nothing is specified, the same things happens as today.
If there is a setting for the header - a level is specified then followin should happen on page creation:
The level specified in the menu object is NOT used, but the level specified in the page settings (Example: Lokationer) for the header level is used instead of the level specified in the menu-object.
This will do that for all pages in the "Lokationer" level could Lokationer be specified in the settings for the sidebar, and then the sidebar will for these pages contain the menus for Lokationer.
If a level is "Billeder" then the pages for the level "Billeder" should have specified the "Billeder" as setting for the sidebar, and then all pages for that level will have the "Billeder" menus in the sidebar.
It is much easier to set a level in the page settings than it is to have to make a menu on the page. And the setting will automatically be tha same. And you save space on the page. And you can have the menu be sticky in the sidebar so the menu is still visible even if you roll up/down the page.
Theer is many PRO's for this solution - and no CONS. If a user don't want to use the functionality he just doesn't specify anything in the page settings for the levels. And the functionality is backward compatible. Users old projects will be unaffected, as the defaults values should be empty. But is something is put in the fields there should of course be a check as in the menu object, that it should be a valid leved that is specified.
Sorry for the typos and sorry for the Danish Screenshots - But I think you know what I mean, and that you are able to reckognize the screenshots and where they come from.
Hope you and the programmers see the potential in this.
Addendum : I think it would be smart if you could specify a value as : hide.
Then the field could contan:
- no value. The system act as today.
- a level. The system create the page with the menu level specified on the page settings instead as the menu object setting.
- hide. The menu object is not shown for the specified page.
You could then have a transparent sidebar and a home page where you "hide" the menu object. This way it will not disturb pages where it is not wanted.
Maybe this is also what you meant - But to be sure I make some mockup, and some more explanation
I have made an example here : https://bramminginfo.dk/bramny/udflugtssteder.html
The testsite is made using the sidebar for the 2 upper viewpoints and no sidebar for the 2 lowest viewpoints.
It is made with several overlapping menus in the sidebar - one for each level and then the menus is made to be not displayed.
On each side where I want one of the menus, I display it as block.
This is much the same as I suggest - but it is far more complicated and troublesome to make this way.
I made the example to show what the outcome of my suggestion should/could be.
For the upper viewports you can use the sidebar-menus navigate down levels - and the breadcrumb can be used for navigating up in levels.
For the lower viewports where there is no sidebar menus, the hamburger menus in top must be used to navigate down levels - even this is much more user unfriendly.
Hi, maybe I didn't understand but if you want to display a specific menu that is present with specific items only in the header and other specific items in the footer DIFFERENT from those of the header, you can do it using the display of a specific level: the level containing only the header items, or the level containing only the footer items. You can also create a third level with other specific items to be displayed laterally on the home page or even on all other pages, as you wish.
In this example, look at the header menu, the side menu on the home page and the menu in the footer: all have different items and links to different pages.
I am attaching the iwzip project of what you see online.
And if I misunderstood your request, then I'm sorry.
LINK: http://test70.altervista.org/threemenu/
P.S. in the iwzip project the objects in the various breakpoints must be better arranged within the limits of the header and footer. I did everything quickly.
In the sticky bar I showed all three levels with all the pages contained in the project.
I misunderstood your request, I see you did too in your online example ...
@Giuseppe - In an old testsite I use the same technique https://www.bramminginfo.dk/starten.html
And when you place the menu to the left and then by code move it out from the page and fix it, then it will be fine regarding the different viewpoints. But this requires code on every page. And you have to inspect for the ID. Hope INCO will by time make it possible to see the ID for an object in an easy way.
What I suggest is to have only one single menu-object in the side-bar. Then via just specifying a level for a page you will have a left-menu showing menu-items for the actual page.
In my new example I do much the same by code but it is troublesome to place all the menus on the same spot.
For a page it is not much work - you just have to specify which menu should be displayed for that page.
But - perfect will be to only have one menu object and then a setting for a page where you can specify what level is to be used at the time the software creates the pages.
What I ask for will do life much easier - and it will bring value to the product. They should pick this low-hanging fruit.
I hope other than I, can see the potential in this.
Hi John,
thanks, I will be happy to report your suggestion.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello Elisa
Maybe it could be useful if the system automatically could show the submenu on subpages. But it should still be possible to specify if this should happen or if the system should act as now. And a setting for both the header, footer and sidebar.
As I see it, then it would bring the "old" menu method back - as we had it before V13,
I am hoping and waiting to see something in one of the coming versions