Locked Page does Not show after successful Login 
Auteur : Warren LochI have created a simple three page site - Home, Lists and Contacts. I added a group called Family in Access Managment and added two users with e-mails and passwords. On the Map step I made the page Lists locked and allowed both users in the family Group access. The "Lists" page has one text item and a button that links to a html page not made in webste X5 PRO.
When I try to Upload to WEBsite I can connect and set the desitnation folder but when I press Start after a few messages it ends in a message saying Unable to connect to Server Generic Error (Not enough data.) To get around this I Export to disk and used Filezilla to upload to the saem server and that works fine.
When I try to access the WEb site I can see Home and Contacts no issues. When I click on the Menu item for Lists I get the Login page and if I enter the details for the first user they are accepted and I get a Green "Login sucessful" banner but the locked page does not display. Looking at the URL it says "imlogin.php?loginstatus=1" versus lists.php. I've tried this for hours reloading and it always behaves the same way. The Server is running 7.1 PHP. If I try loggin in with the Admin user the same behavior occurs.
I tried setting the Entrance Page for one of the users to "Lists" in Access Management and when I try that user I don't get the Loing sucessful banner but do get the Login page - this makes sense to me as after login it is going to the page that requires login so th eLoing Page comes up.
Possibly related when I try to go to the "admin" page I get a different login page (W5 WEB site Name) as expected but even if i copy and paste the Admin name and passsword straight from X5 it never logs in and it always says "Wrong username and/or password".
I have regenerated the WEB site several time and deleted all files on the server and reloaded several time all ending in the same behavior.
I'm ready to ask for a refund as I have serached for hours on the WEB for answers
Any help is appreciated
Note this is WEBsite X5 Pro 2021.1.3 - does not show up in list below
I gave up on the oringal site and recreated from scratch using a blacnk template and same issue. If you want to try the site is at
Page 2 is locked
Admin Security details
Site Map showing Page 2 is locked
What I get after Logging in to Page 2
"When I try to Upload to WEBsite I can connect and set the desitnation folder but when I press Start after a few messages it ends in a message saying Unable to connect to Server Generic Error (Not enough data.)" - Try disabling your antivirus and firewall.If you are using VPN, then disable it.
For closed pages, try reading this. Also try changing PHP to 7.4.