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Javier C.
Javier C.

Problem With The Showbox, Preview And Server In Evo9  en

Auteur : Javier C.
Visité 2479, Followers 1, Partagé 46  
Mots-clés :: evo8,evo9,showbox


a new problem. I imported my website from evo8 to evo9. When I upload the project to my server, I make click in the mini-image of the ShowBox and, insted of open it in a new windows (as it happens in Evo8), it redirects to the page of the image. Evo9 settings is configured with "Show Extended image when you make click at the ShowBox). Also, with the Preview tool the behaivour is correct, but not when I upload the project to the server and I access from WWW. Any suggestion?

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . you did read the manual - or used F1 ? The tips provided by Incomedia you did read ?

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Posté le de Pcssa .
Javier C.
Javier C.

Yes, I did read it.I removed the Page Code of the Version 1 (point 1 of the document) and also I checked again the settings of point 6 (Slide Show Object and Image Gallery). Still not working...

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Posté le de Javier C.
Claudio N.

Hello Javier,

Can you provide me the url of the page where the issue is? I'll check it.

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
Javier C.
Javier C.

Sorry, it is not possible as I can't upload my project due to the problem also reported in this forum with the size of the images.

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Posté le de Javier C.
Claudio N.

To me it looks like a JS error. Did you add some custom JS code to your site?

Can't you upload it in a subfolder of your domain?

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Posté le de Claudio N.