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John S.
John S.

Include a html page in X5-search engine  en

Auteur : John S.
Visité 1469, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

I have an album that is able to create searchable html-pages from an album.

I have a search engine for the album.

I would also like to have the X5-search engine to search the "externel" html-page(s).

I made a simple test where I put the html-page in the root with the other pages but X5 only searches its "own" pages.

Is there a way to include external (same domain) pages in the X5-search?

Until now I have just copied and pasted the html-page into a html-object on a page - it functions, but that is a "quick-and-dirty" solution.

Does anybody know a better way?

Is there a simple solution in X5 that I am not aware of?

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hey John

seems not very secure to have possibility to search any page outside the project. by this way a hacker could find a vulnerable page on your domain and to try to do an attack


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Posté le de Axel  
John S.
John S.

Axel - the question is how to include a specific page in the search. It is not a vulnerable page. It is a page that is accessible anyway. A page is not vulnerable because it does not come from X5. Hope you know thatsmile

It is NOT any page. And the search for the album, only search album-folders and only html pages (htm or html).

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Posté le de John S.

You said that external page is not vulnerable. if you are a real coding expert you can check obviously  but if not it is difficult to say contrary

by example if you are using a page provided by an external tool or script the page could be dangerous. and if its a form with bad coding (escape, html entities ...etc) it's very easy

and wsx5 can generate bad page also. why not ?

just my point of view !

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Posté le de Axel  
John S.
John S.

I know that being on the internet is like being in the jungle. If you meet a dangerous creature (hacker) you could be in problems.

But security is not the issue here: I ask if someone knows of a way to integrate a html-page (that is in the domain but is not a part of the X5-project) into the X5 search routine.

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Posté le de John S.
John S.
John S.


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Posté le de John S.
Stefano G.

Hello John

If what you're attempting to do is precisely to make it so that the default search functionality of the software works on external files too, I am afraid that won't be possible

Only by manually reworking the search code in the website files will achieve this but this is highly unadvisable since the files will be replaced with the next upload you make

At the moment, I believe this will unfortunately simply be impossible to achieve

I remain available here


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Posté le de Stefano G.
John S.
John S.

Hello Stefano

Thank you for the answer - even if it was not what I wanted but what I maybe expected.sealed

I have made a page as hidden and without template and here I have copied the html-content into a html-object.

This way it can be searched and found and viewed by clicking the link in the search.

And the html includes the content and link back to the home-page.

It functions but it is not ideal.

The content is not quite static (but near to) but I can copy and paste in one operation.

I hoped there was a user that had a smart solutioncry

I will leave it here and I close this post.

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Posté le de John S.
Martin P.
Martin P.

Hi John,

the html-object approach was also my first idea, but why pasting the whole content into it?

Did you check the three possibilities below, where external.html is a placeholder for your original page?

<object data="external.html" width="400" height="240"></object>

<iframe src="external.html" width="400" height="240" sandbox></iframe>

<embed src="external.html" width="400" height="240">

remark: the embed tag has no close element

I don't know exactly how the X5 search engine works, but it works only in online not in the preview mode, so maybe there is a chance that the content will be listed too.

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Posté le de Martin P.
John S.
John S.

Hello Martin

I have tried different approaches to it. Include and embed and so. But whatever I do it seem that the text has to be in the page when searched - a reference does not work.

Maybe I am doing it wrong. If anyone has a solution I would like to know. I closed this post but will now leave it open so good ideas can flow into itsmile

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Posté le de John S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

ciao John, ... ... hai provato ad includere con PHP include in una pagina con estensione *.php...?...

... have you tried to include with PHP include in a page with extension *.php...?...

<?php   include ("externalpage.html");   ?>


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
John S.
John S.

Hello KolASim

I have tried to make a page of type PHP and then put the code on that page.

It seems that the search does not find any of the texts that is in the included file. I did not think of the PHP-include and only tried the html include. But it seem that the text has to be in the pages searched and cannot be found via a reference. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I will continue testing and if I have it to function or if I find a good solution I will tell it here in this thread.

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Posté le de John S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

....OK ... ciao ...

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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The German instructions for the search function say:

"...are displayed on pages automatically generated by the program."

The search index is probably created by the program before uploading and cannot search content that has been inserted later. The Incomedia staff should have more detailed information.

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Posté le de Daniel W.