Jeg syntes ikke min formular er særlig køn, men hvordan får jeg lavet en ande 
Auteur : Tage R.
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I didn't think my email form was very pretty, but how
Can I change it?
Posté le
Yes you can!
There is examples in some of the X5 templates. See also some of the users examples.
You define the style in the mail-object.
An example:
And so on....
See screenshot
Hi there!
You may want to check out this guide also:
Thanks! Kind regards.
JI may not have formulated myself well enough, I have seen how others make their form, including this one:
But how can I create such a layout, so that no matter what I press in the contact form, it does not change significantly in my form:
How do I center the fields?:
----- Example with WebSite X5 -----
----- Example 2 -----
----- Example 3 -----
----- Example 4 -----
There are a variety of settings, including margins, to change the look.
Text and contact form objects can be connected to the lock using the line style to give both a background color.
Test page >>
Screenshot 1 - Increase margins to get larger fields
Screenshot 2 - Line style to connect 2 objects and give background color