Images will not animate. 
Auteur : Carole J.
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I have had problems with images showing on my website. A few week ago they all dissapeared from my site. The text still shows. I contacted my server (Arsys) who told me to update my PHP in my control panel to the latest PHP 8.3. This I have done, but still no images. I have then re-linked all of my images which now show, but if I try to put any animation on the image it will not show up on my webpage when viewed online. I also had a couple of Jpegs which I used the parallal effect on, that will not work anymore either. Sorry, I am not a techy, so if anyone can please help, could you try to keep it simple, many thanks.
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Hello. If you are viewing the site in the WebSite X5 browser then everything is fine? If yes, try this:
1) Delete all site files from the hosting.
2) Upload the entire site again to the hosting. Not just the changes.
3) Clear your browser cache.
Please provide a link to the page on your site with the problem if my advice does not help you.
Hello, thank you for your prompt reply. Each time I upload my website I delete everything from my hosting provider. (I use Filezilla) I also as you advised delete my cache on the browser I am using, but it still doesn't work properly. Originally I had put animations on some of the photos and text. It all worked fine until a few weeks back when I assume my web hosting did some changes. Sine then if I put any for of animation on my site, whatever I try to animate does not show. I have to put a normal image. I can put effects still, but no animation. If you view the page, there used to be a parallax effect on the dropletts of water and the map. Now I have to use just still images or again they do not show online. I have contacted my hosting quite a few times, all they say is that the site looks ok. My site is
Thanks again for your time,
"I have contacted my hosting quite a few times, all they say is that the site looks ok." - I don't think so:
Try different versions of PHP.
Hello Carole,
I would suggest switching to PHP 8.2 and going ahead with a clean export after a CTRL + Preview to regenerate all files.
If the issue persists, please provide me the version of the project with the animations/parallax and other effects, so that I can check whether everything works as intended when hosted elsewhere.
You can export it in Step 5 - Export, choosing the “Export the project option” to generate an IWZIP file.
You can then upload the file with or similar services, and provide a download link at support @ (without the spaces).
Thank you.
Hello Aleksej H. I did what you suggested, but still no changes I'm affraid, but thank you for your help.
Hi Eric C, I regenerated site and did a fresh upload, but if I have put animation on an image or parallax, this just makes whatever I try to animate dissapear. I have looked at what you need me to do, but I'm affraid I am not quite sure how I provide a download link.
Thanks for your time,
Hello Carole,
which step did you reach on SwissTransfer?
Hi Eric C, yes how do I use the Swiss transfer? I have saved the project as an IWZIP file with animations. My site online has no animations as they do not show on the page.
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
you will need to click on the button to add a file, navigate the files of your PC to choose the IWZIP file, and then choose the E-mail option, filling in the required fields.
Hi Eric C. All done, I hope that this helps,
Hello Carole,
I have uploaded the project to my hosting space as a test.
Could you please check if everything is displayed as intended here, or if anything is still missing?
Hi Eric, that is exactly as I had intended it to look, everything I wanted animated is working perfectly. So, as I suspected it is my web hosting company that has the problem. I have intimated that it is a fault with them, but they will not admit it. Any suggestions?
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
it is likely that the issue is associated with the errors that are displayed in the browser's console on your version of the site, while none of them appears on my hosting.
Perhaps they have some kind of restriction related to the .js (Javascript) files, but unfortunately it is hard to tell what exactly might be the cause.
This current version of the website was the result of a CTRL + Preview upload after also cleaning the entire content of the destination folder, is that correct?
Could you also try a clean upload using WebSite X5 instead of FileZilla, just to confirm is the situation is the same?
Hi Eric,
yes, I pressed CTRL + preview to regenerate the files, then useing Filezilla I delete all the files in the Html folder. Then I upload all the files from a file of the site back to the same folder. I have never used Website x5 to upload as I am not quite sure how to fill the boxes required. What information do I need to fill in please?
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
they are similar to the parameters used with FileZilla, although you will need to specify an e-mail address for the website.
Is there any specific parameter you have doubts about?
Hi Eric,
just a thought. Could my antivirus software (Malewarebytes and windows defender) be stopping my site uploading properly?
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
you can try temporarily disabling antivirus/firewall and check after an upload with these conditions, this way we could check whether the local factor may be on your computer rather than the web space itself.
Hi Eric, many thanks, I will give this a try and let you know the outcome,
kind regards,
Hi Eric, I have just tried disabling the firewall on my PC, then uploaded using Filezilla, but it doesn't cure the problem I'm afraid. Could you (sorry for being a nuisance, but I do not want to do this incorrectly) tell me what I need to fill in on each area, I have just looked at this and I'm a little confused.
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
the URL will be the URL of your website, , whereas the destination folders depends on your provider.
When you connect using FileZilla, it should usually be the first directory you land into.
In the FTP parameters, you will need to add the same parameters you use in FileZilla: the FTP Address is the Host, while Username, Password and Port have the same name on both FileZilla and WebSte X5.
You will also need to add the e-mail address to be used for the sending of e-mails, usually it is an address with the same domain as the website.
It doesn't look like you have any functions requiring a database, so the Data Management tab parameters are not necessary in your case, outside of the Server folder with write access, where you must specify the name of a subfolder within your Destination folder that has writing permissions so that WebSite X5 can generate files in there.
You should be able to create one through either the file manager of WebSite X5 or FileZilla, and give it the necessary permissions (the type is 777) through your hosting space control panel.
I remain available.
Hi Eric,
thank you for taking the time to write these instructions for me. I will let you know how I get on,
kind regards,
Hi Eric,
I have not managed to try uploading my site using the Website x 5 tool yet. I am still a little unsure what details to fill in. I have contacted my host company to see if they could advise, but they are not very helpful I'm afraid. We have been with them for over 12 years and never had a problem in the past, but this seems to be beyond their caperbilities. I'm not sure what to put for detination folder. Or the Data base name, have you any ideas? Also, how difficult is it to transfer my site over to your company? I have a feeling by the way this is progressing, that this may be my only option if I want my site to run as I want it.
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
unfortunately these are all information that I cannot provide accurate support about, as they are available only on your hosting control panel.
When you connect to the server using FileZilla, what directory do you land in?
Usually that is the one to be set as the Destination Folder.
Some common formats are / , /name-of-the-domain and /public_html.
You already have a hosting space available with us which you would need to activate, after that you can request the transfer of the domain in your web hosting panel here on the Help Center, and usually after a few days the transfer is complete.
You will need to backup any e-mails associated with the e-mail address of your domain, if you use one, and recreate this address on our panel.
Hi Eric, I have just pressed the activate now button by mistake. Could you make sure that I have not activated my subscription yet, I am not ready until I have tried uploading with the Website x 5 tool. I have just read online that moving providers can affect SEO etc and I am worried about losing our ranking on the web. We are placed quite well at the moment.
kind regards,
Hello Carole,
you have activated your hosting space, however it would have the same expiration date regardless: as it is the hosting included with your licence, it will expire on the same day your licence does.
Hi Eric,
ok thanks for letting me know. I wish to keep renewing my subscription on Website x5 anyway, I am pleased with how it works, also very impressed with the way you have helped over the last few weeks, many thanks.
At the present moment our website is ranking well on Google and from what I have read online, moving to another web host can have an impact on ranking. Is this true? Or are there ways to move and still keep our site well up on the page?
kind regards,
Hello Carole,
unfortunately switching hosting provider can indeed affect SEO, although it is hard to quantify what the impact could be, if any.
Have you managed to attempt the export through the software to see if anything changes?
Hi Eric,
no, I'm afraid that as I explained, my present hosting company were not clear as to what to put into certain fields. I have attached the photos that I have sent to them ok. I have included their response. It means very little to me.
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
the FTP parameters should be the same as what you use on FileZilla:
Regarding the destination folder, whenever you connect with FileZilla, where do you publish the files?
Hi Eric,
hopefully this will explain. Have a great weekend,
kind regards,
Hello Carole,
from what you describe, you should be able to add the same parameters used with FileZilla and the URL of the website,
then add / as the destination folder and click on the icon with the shape of a folder at the end of the field.
You should then be able to see the same three directories in your screenshot, and you can then enter the Html one.
Hi Eric,
Firstly I used Filezilla to empty my Html folder on my website. Then I followed your instructions (See attached files) it came back with "the following test failed" see attachment again.
What could be the problem, any ideas?
Kind regards,
It appears that I can only send one attachment.
This is the message when I try to connect.
Hello Carole,
this is because in the Data Management you did not specify any directory as the Server folder with write access.
This should be a subfolder of your choice that is granted writing access (the type of permission should be 777) so that some files can be automatically be saved there if a function of the website requires it.
It is not a warning that will prevent you from uploading, but I suggest addressing it.
Hi Eric,
I wasn't aware I had to put anything in Data Management. I thought that sending my site to the same folder (Html) as I do with Filezilla would be enough. Am I supposed to ask my web host for this 777 subfolder? Sorry for my ignorance on this.
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
not exactly: you would need to create a subfolder within the destination folder, with a name of your choice, and then grant it (or ask the provider to do so) full access, usually called "777 permissions".
You would then need to make sure not to delete this subfolder whenever you clean the contents of the destination folder, or you would need to create and grant permissions to a new folder again.
Hi Eric,
I have contatcted my web host about this, they are usually a couple of days coming back to me.
Thanks for your continued support Eric, it is much appreciated,
kind regards,
Hi Eric,
I have had a reply from my web host. I explained to them about the folder 777 you had mentioned. This is their reply.
"Regarding the attached email, please note that the directory where you have write permissions is the "Html" folder. All your web content must be inside it"
I must be doing something wrong.
Kind regards,
Hello Carole,
I am afraid that they have misunderstood what you asked.
Please tell them that this is not about the folder where you should be uploading files, but rather about giving 777 permissions su a subfolder inside of "html", so that files can be written into it if the code requires it.
Hi Eric,
I will get back to them & let you know the response, thank you for replying so quickley.
Kind regards,