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Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

How To Create A Template!  en

Auteur : Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Visité 2238, Followers 3, Partagé 46  
Mots-clés :: template

Hi guys! I developed a site and would like to use its theme and styles as a template, that would be available from the template selection screen.

Some tip?

Thanks in advance!

Posté le
Steve J.

Hi Marcus, you can save the project with just some few pages as we did for the Project Templates we have on WebSite X5 Templates. When you need to use that template, then you can duplicate the project and add your content. Wink

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Posté le de Steve J.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

Hi Steve, that's the way I use to do today, but I'd like to show the template between the others, in the gallery! Is there a way?

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Posté le de Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Steve J.

Ok, I need to know if you are interesting for v8 or v9

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Posté le de Steve J.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

Hi Steve, sorry for the delay! I'm using v9.

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Posté le de Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Steve J.

There's no a guide actually, you need to test yourself for now Tongue out... I try to explain it here quickly. 

The easiest way is to duplicate an existing template folder from C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution\Templates and copy it on your Desktop.

Than you can edit the HTML and CSS code manually and edit the images. Please note that you can just edit the images leaving the same file name. The images could be in JPG or PNG file format.

After you do that, simply rename this folder with the name you want (ie: MyNewTemplate).

Create a new folder with the name 50.Marcus. This will be the category name, where 50 permits you to move this category at the top of the list (0 = last category; 99 = first category).

Move your folder MyNewTemplate in the folder 50.Marcus and move the folder 50.Marcus in the Templates folder of the installation directory of WebSite X5.

When you will launch WSX5 you will view the new category Marcus, and the new template with the name MyNewTemplate.

Hope this could help you to start testing Wink

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Posté le de Steve J.