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Kerry M.
Kerry M.

Cannot center horizontal main menu in Evolution 10  en

Auteur : Kerry M.
Visité 1060, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: centering,main,menu,templates

Cannot center horizontal main menu in Evolution 10

I imported a 'custom template' that I had made in Evolution 9, into version 10. The horizontal main menu, however, is not centered, but instead is toward theright side of the page. I can't center the menu. Text is centered within buttons, but I want to center the entire horizontal  menu near top of page.

I have also tried to do this making a new custom template, and also using ready-made templates from within the program in Evolution 10. I am unable to centre the main menu in any template - the main menu is always located to the left side of the page.

Is there any way to center on the page the entire top horizontal main menu in version 10?

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