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Olaf R.
Olaf R.

Crash windows 8  nl

Auteur : Olaf R.
Visité 1965, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: 8,crash,gzip,stroom,windows

Because of a crash with windows 8 while I was in the middle of making my website can I not open the project anymore and the backup is too old. There is a date reference not correct? (see attachment) how can I fix it?

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Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Same problem here!

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Posté le de Henrik Hansen
Olaf R.
Olaf R.

I think id we can rest the time index on the file we can open the project but i don't no how...

Now it is modified on 1-1-0001, 0:00 and i think that is the problem. I hope they can fix it for us!

Thanks for the replay!

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Posté le de Olaf R.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

It worked for me. But with an dated file - still better than having to start all over.


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Posté le de Henrik Hansen