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Alex G.
Alex G.

Paid Membership Login with DB included (like Facebook)  en

Auteur : Alex G.
Visité 2372, Followers 2, Partagé 0  

I have had several customers ask me to create websites for them using monthly paid memebership login feature which requires the use of a Database so that users can have a profile; unfortunately, I have NOT been able to use WebsiteX5 when these projects come about nor when I am asked for a shopping cart feature.  Could you please update the shopping cart issue but most importantly add a feature that allows me to create a login for memebers after they have registered and automatically pay a memebership fee every 28 or 29 or 30 to 31 days (depending on the month) and so that once the memeber pays it can create a BASIC profile?  Thank you.

P.S.: I only read English and Spanish and Google Translate misses words that maybe critical to interpretation.  Thank you once again.

Posté le
Claudio D.

Hello Alex,

Thank you very much for your suggestion which will be taken in consideration for the future releases of the program.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.