Misleading information printed on the email sent when order confirmed 
Autore: Claude V.
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I am only allowing the pay Now option for the customer. When completing an order on the shop , the customer is in a flow which would require as the next step an online paiement via Paypal commerce platform. But a mail had already be sent to the customer while he is doing his payment with a button included : "Pay Now" - See below in french " Payer maintenant !
This is obviously confusing as he received our confirmation with "Pay Now" and the confirmation of PayPal that he paiement was successful.
Is there a way to remove or hide the button "Pay Now" ( Payer maintenant !) on the email sent to the customer.
I am not using a data base, only eMail.
regards, Claude
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You could do several things,
Add a message to the email - step1-> shopping cart -> order management-> paypal payment -> email message
change mail settings
step1-> shopping cart ->sensing order, change notification email (you could add info there in mail as well.
How to remove the button i don't know, but why? Some people might use it so it will help sale, just make sure custormer knows options.