X5evo10 guestbook sending spam 
Autor: Erik E.
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x5evo10. Guestbook notification email treatet by my ISP as spam mail.
I receive in my email spam folder:
"En ny kommentar blev tilføjet artiklen "Gæstebog":
Navn: elev
Internet hjemmeside:
Meddelelse: somthing text
Brug dette link til at afvise denne kommentar:
http://xxx.dk/admin/guestbook.php?id=x5gb447 "
The spam filter of my ISP treat "http://" as a spam mail and discard the email
What do I do ?
Posted on the
Hi Erik,
Add the e-mail adres which is sending from youre guestbook to you ( the e-mail-adress you set in properties of the guestbook) to youre adres-book of your e-mail programm which you use (such as Outlook or Thunderbird etc). And set this adres also to youre isp e-mail client in the adres-book, so this adres will not be marked as spam.
good luck
More troubleshooting concerning notification email.
It is NOT a bug in the x5evo10 program, but a property conflicting with spamfilters.
The Postmaster(outgoing mailserver) tell me: "message considered spam", because the message contain "http://" and it will not be delevered.
Now an then the message is send anyway, my ISP spamfilter also says: "spam message" an put the message in the spamfolder in my webmailbox.
To avoid spamfilter problems the notification email might be like this:
"A new comment has been added .....":
Name: xxxx
Internet homepage:..........
Message: ................
Login as administrator to deny/accept this message"
Is it possible to edit the setup of the notification email ?
Question 2 "Guestbook Object": If the field "User e-mail" contain a valid email address and chechbox "Send an e-mail to notify ..." is unchecked the message is send anyway. Why ?
After six month intensive use, my experience is: the x5evo10 program is an excellent tool.
Hello Erik,
The email composition cannot be changed but if you set the sender in the whitelist of the spam also if it contains a link it will be not moved in the spam folder.
Aboutthe guestbook email sent, try to make a complete export online and then test it again since it could be an old setting has not been updated.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio
As mentioned above:
It is NOT a bug in the x5evo10 program, but a property conflicting with spamfilters.
I will try to find an outgoing mailserver with a less rigid spam filter policy, that should do for now.
Consider my wish according email composition as a tip for the Incomedia Team.
Question 2: Thank you for your suggestions, but I have done those tests.
It is only a minor problem, I just leave the checkbox unchecked and the field "User e-mail" empty.
My opinion: The x5evo10/11 is an exellent tool of amazingly high quality.
Thanks, greetings to the Incomedia Team