Mail form and database operations 
Autor: John S.This is an idea that is based on "earlier" ideas and from different users.
I hope it will be commented, so the developers can see what we users want.
Here it comes :
Here it would be a good idea to have some custom fields. Some predefine as : "logged-in-username" and Ip-address.
Some userdefined via HTML or PHP ( something like the HTML-object ).
Then a checkbox for this fields : Include field in e-mail. ( else it will only be stored in database when chosen and/or maybe an option in the send tab : Send data ONLY to a database)
And a checkbox that says : Visible ( If not checked, then the field will be "hidden" on the page)
DATABASE ( viewer )
In settings for the viewer a possibility to select on one or more fields.
A possible field could be "logged-in-user"
Select on field : xxxxxx with value : xxxxxxxx ( a value should be ex. $loggedinuser )
Perfect would be the possibility to select on more fields, and to select also with an operand so it would be possible to make a selection like :
Field xxxxxxx <= TODAY
Field xxxxxxxx = "logged-in-user"
These selections should be always. When the user uses the filter the filtering will be only in the selected records.
And a possibility to have an initial sort on a field like : At startup sort on field xxxxxx
Response please
Kind regards
John S.