Design Error After Update 2020.3.3 
Autor: Nigel B.
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Hi Incomedia,
Error report... After updating my X5 Pro to 2020.3.3 I noticed there is a design error on the "number sequence" buttons at the bottom of the blog and shop search function. See images:
IMAGE 1 - How it used to be before the update:
IMAGE 2 - How it is after the update:
thanks, Nigel
Posted on the
Nigel, is this an error or just "different" from last version? Does it operate correctly? It may simply mean you need to reset the defaults for links in step 2 Text Field and Button Style?
(I checked an upgraded project and could reset the defaults in my project)
I also confirm that now with the new version those Next and Previous buttons to scroll the product search pages are graphically thin compared to the previous version and there is no possibility to modify them in Step 2 / Model / style Texts, Fields and Buttons
We SHOULD BE ABLE TO CUSTOMIZE (font-size, font-face, color...) these buttons!
Incomedia, please fix this - this is an important layout feature!
I confirm what Esahc said: if you activate the background on the "link" in STEP 2 / Model / Style Texts, Fields and Buttons you will have the numbers with a colored background, look at the two screenshots...
screenshot 2...
P.S. clearly activating the colored background on the "Link" then, however, in addition to having the numbers of the navigation sequence with a button-style background, you will also have all the "Links" within the site with the colored background and it is not pleasant to see . It would be desirable that Incomedia gives the possibility to set the values for the navigation numbers in a different way from the rest of the links present in the project.
I see what you mean Esahc it can be changed but as Giuseppe pointed out it changes every link across the website which in my case looks hideous. It wasn't like that before the update.
Incomedia can we have this fixed so we can customize it ourselves? Thanks.
I confirm: before the new version 2020.3 it worked better.
Hello everyone
I can confirm that this is in fact the way the software operates now. It has been decided that in order to provide a more uniform look to the website, these links would match the style mentioned in Step 2.
Of course, your feedback on this is very important and I'll gladly pass it on so that it can be kept under consideration for further improvements
For the moment though, I must confirm that this is exactly the way these links will work by design
Thank you
Many bad design decisions seem to be made in the name of progress (I am still smarting over the thumbnails in the gallery :-(
I did some tests and I verified that with the 2020.2 version those buttons with numbers to go from one page to another of the product search were customizable according to how you set the buttons in the "Settings" of the special page "E-commerce Cart: search "(see the four screenshots below) ...
screenshot 1
screenshot 02...
screenshot 03...
and screenshot 04, the final result...
So with the 2020.2 version I think it was much better, while with the new version 2020.3 I can't assign a background to just the button with numbers because otherwise this background is automatically applied to all the links (!) on my website as per Step 2 settings/Model/Style Texts, fields and buttons as confirmed by Stefano. However, I believe that a step back has been taken in this way dear Stefano, You of Incomedia have decided to give "a more uniform look to the website" but once again you have made a decision independently without take into account the opinion of users: I see less customizable, less attractive and less professional graphics to be seen in this current way in version 2020.3 works on those buttons with numbers
Thanks to Giuseppe for his work and his conclusion.
Maybe Incomedia can still backtrack or at least restore the options to the basket ...
As Giuseppe specifies, each version must facilitate the work of users not complicate it ...
We hope it.
@ Stefano
This software is intended for your users (some of them are professionals) - not for Incomedia employees!
So, listening what the user-base is asking - is a smart business policy.
This little layout thing seems highly insignificant until the time when some client asks your professional-user:
"Hey, I want those numbers in light grey with black frame!"
You know that answering the client in the manner that this is not possible because the program doesn't supports this little thing is very embarrassing...
So, Stefano please fix this - it's not something "colossal"; or, at least, give us an "ad-hoc" CSS solution.
Stefano, pretending for a moment that you are NOT an employee of Incomedia:
which one do you think has a "more uniform look to the website", the first photo posted by Nigel for the 2020.2 version or the second photo for the 2020.3 version? (Remember that if I want to get the same green background effect on the buttons with numbers in the 2020.3 version then I will find all the links of my website with the green background and I DON'T want the background for my links!):
PHOTO 1 (version 2020.2)
PHOTO 2 (version 2020.3)
I reported this proble when 2020.3.3 was in preview Unforortantly it was set to private. I think Incomedia should go back and change the Page bar to the way it was, as the new system looks very untidy and does not allow for a custom background in page content of the advanced graphic section.
Version 2020.2.6
Version 2020.3.3
Dave Wilson
I just upgraded from EVO 2020.2 to 2020.3.3 and it's an absolute failure. I'm going back to EVO 2020.2. Oh, by the way, 2020.3.3 requires a conversion to a new project image that IS NOT backward compatible.
Thankfully, I never install new Incomedia releases when they first arrive. Instead, I come to this forum to see what nasty things other users have uncovered.
It is a pity when Incomedia makes retrograde "progress" as new versions are released.
Actually, it is inexcusable.
Hello everyone
I'm really sorry to hear such discontent for this change
I would like to point out again as I did before that, in order to provide a more uniform look to the website, it was decided that these links would match the style mentioned in Step 2.
The fact that such pagination links are now all configured in the same place instead of receiving customization from different places opens up the future possibility of having a dedicated option to customize all of the pagination systems specifically to make sure that the website has a coherent look.
Once again, I can only thank you for your feedback in order to move forward and try to improve the software further
Stefano, non vedo il miglioramento, adesso se voglio assegnare uno sfondo colorato ai numeri poi mi ritrovo quello sfondo colorato anche su tutti i link inseriti nel mio sito web ed un sito web con tutti i link con sfondo colorato non si vede da almeno 20 o 25 anni! Era sicuramente molto meglio nella versione 2020.2, lo capirebbe anche un bambino, invece non capisco perchè gli sviluppatori (o chi ha deciso tale "passo indietro") non abbiano considerato tutto ciò.
Google Translate
Stefano, I don't see the improvement, now if I want to assign a colored background to the numbers then I find that colored background also on all the links inserted in my website and a website with all the links with a colored background has not been seen for at least 20 or 25 years old! It was certainly much better in the 2020.2 version, even a child would understand it, but I don't understand why the developers (or those who decided this "step back") did not consider all this.
Hi Stefano,
For now, simply get the coders to put this back to how it was in the previous version. That should take them about 5 minutes to accomplish. Then re-release the proper update. Thank you.
Can this be done by CSS and how?
Thank you in advance!
always coding with a wysiwig solution !!! little bit absurd ..
it's a pity no !!!
With CSS it is a very simple line to be inserted in "Properties / expert / custom code / Before closing the HEAD Tag" of the Special Page "E-commerce cart: search" (see screenshot below):
.pagination-container .page.current {
background-color: rgb (244, 245, 8) !important;
you can change the background color of the buttons by acting on the rgb values (244, 245, 8)
The result is this:
and this...
@ Giuseppe

La ringrazio molto!
@ Axel
Yeah, CSS forever!
Please, I'm glad you solved
Thankyou Giuseppe Guida for the work around to this problem If it were not for the outstanding contributions made by yourself and others on this forum Incomedia would struggle to sell this product. However, Incomedia should fix this back to the way it was as the CSS work around does not fix the problem, I highlighted earlier in this topic of using backgrounds in Graphics Properties section of the advanced settings. The new way of doing things Incomedia is unsightly across the rest of my project and simply does not work, I cannot believe that a company makes little or no attempt to satisfy its customer base and relies on the input of others to solve its own problems. I for one will not be renewing any of my licenses or buying any more plugins from Incomedia. Website X5 is a tired old program that needs a full revamp not half baked and poorly implemented patches.
David Wilson
@ David
Yes, of course, Incomedia should do something about it - but I have a feeling that fixing similar layout issues are constantly beeing neglected...
At the end of a day - small trinkets like this are selling the software, right?
Hi David. I agree with you: they are those little things that allow you to customize every aspect of the software which, at the same time, make it much more performing