Error while project loading 
Autor: Peter S.
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Error while project loading I can't access my project after it froze while I was adding some new material and I used Task Manager to come out of it. All I get now is this message "Error while project loading". I'm desperate - there's hundreds of hours of work here! What can I do? Peter
Posted on the
Hi Peter,
Did you try to rename the file backup.iwprj to project.iwprj? You can find it in your project's folder.
If renaming the backup doesn't work, can you attach to your answer the project.iwprj file? I'll take a look at it.
Please zip it before attaching it to your post.
Thank you!
I have a file clashed as well, using x8 version, are you able to fix it for me?
I can try. Can you attach it here? Remember to zip it.
sorry for the late replay, was expecting to receive alert in my email inbox, here is the zip file, thank you very much.
Hello Dan,
Here's your project file. Two pages were lost during recovery. Did you add a special content like an OLE Object? That could cause a project error, if it doesn't comply with standard.
Thank you very much Claudio, but there is another error message:
Run-time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set
I've opened the project (downloaded from my message above) in my PC and I can load it.
The Error 91 I think is caused by an object in the testimonials page (because if I remove it, the project starts working).
To me, it seems that even if we recovered the project, there's still some corrupted data in it.
What kind of content did you add before getting the "Error while loading project" message the first time? Did you use an OLE object?
I have a wordpress blog plug in and facebook like box plugin on homepage.
Most recent updates are mainly for shopping cart.
Now I am updating manually through html.
Here is my site:
Many thanks.
The error should be cause by the first text-object in the "Testimonials" page. I can't even open it. Maybe it is a special char contained in it.
I suggest you to remove it and create it from scratch.