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Paul M.
Paul M.

Ideas for Optional Objects: wish list and feature requests  en

Author: Paul M.
Visited 4970, Followers 7, Shared 0  

Hello everyone  

I've been considering developing some Optional Objects using the new feature built-in to Version 11 of WebSite X5.  I'd like to ask the community for their comments, thoughts and suggestions.  I would really appreciate any feedback, no matter how minor.

Optional Objects allow for extended and enhanced functionality within WebSite X5.  They can provide features and components which don't exist as standard in the software by default.  They can be added to your project in Step 3.

Any Objects I create would require considerable development time, so I'd prefer to be as certain as I can that the Objects would be considered worthwhile and useful before commiting to building any one in particular.  However, I would like to assure you all that any input you can give me would be completely without obligation...  there is no expectation on any user(s) to purchase Objects which they have expressed an interest in...  this post is for market research purposes only.

In addition, these Objects may have a relatively short life-span, as WebSite X5 continues to evolve and grow with each version.  I will have to take this into account too.  I wouldn't want to spend large amounts of time on features which may appear in a future release, rendering the Object redundant.  But that is the nature of web development, and I fully support Incomedia's efforts.

I already have a few ideas in mind, which have sprouted from recent conversations I have had with fellow users here on the forum.

For example:

1.  The ability to restrict shop purchases to single items only...  denying the customer the option of editing quantity levels during either basket or checkout screens

2.  Postcode lookup (for UK users only I'm afraid)...  enter the customer's postcode and relevant addresses appear in a drop-down list

3.  Full automated stock control...  accurate and up-to-the minute stock levels reflecting the numeric quantity of items on hand in the shop

4.  Reading and display of data from databases which X5 has already written to

These are just a few ideas I am toying with.  What do you think?  Are enough people interested enough to make this viable?  This is my line of work, but X5 is only a small part of what I do, and I would have to balance time spent on this against other projects.

What do you think as the users?  What features or enhancements would you like to see made available as Optional Objects?


Posted on the
George G.
George G.

hello Paul, some ideas below
1. add customer reviews to products, options to compare products.
2. interface to PayPal PRO
3. load a new products from xls file or add products directly to DB , sql option .
4. sale statistics
5. add option to use different shipping price for same product but to different address(province or cuontrie)
6. add TAX table , pay different TAX in different province (Canada) or countries
7. MAC version :-)

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Posted on the from George G.
JC Macedo
JC Macedo

Olá Paulo

Tendo em vista que a forma de pagamento é um elemnto de importância numa loja virtual:

a nível Brasil;

1) a emissão de boletos

2) o pagamento por cartões de crédito direamente nas bandeiras sem utilizar os gateways de pagamento.

3) o pagamento por transferência bancária e por depósito em conta.

e enfim a criação do site adminstrativo onde o cliente insere seus produtos e seu preços para um começo

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Posted on the from JC Macedo
Pedro M.
Pedro M.

Hola paulo, a ver que puede sacar de ésto;

1-Creación de un chat en tiempo real

2-Integración de registro de usuarios con la cuenta de Facebook o Twitter

3-Integración de usuario poder crear y borrar su propio perfil, añadir foto, modificar sus datos de usuario, etc.

3-Integración de venta de fotos en tiempo real en el momento que un usuario mira la foto de la Galería.

4- Función de contenido dinámico más completo, que permita publicar galería de fotos, y más funciones...

Windows 7 :)

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Posted on the from Pedro M.
Pedro M.
Pedro M.

Hola paulo... se me olvidaba tambien;

5- Función de venta de banners u otras funciones de marketing online en tiempo real.

Saludos :)

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Posted on the from Pedro M.
Jorge M.
Jorge M.

Hola Paul M.

Revisando múltiples preguntas en el sitio hay algo que sería de mucha ayuda a los usuarios: mantener limpio el proyecto de archivos que ya han sido borrados como imágenes, música, videos, que con el tiempo se acumulan, sería muy bueno una herramienta que se encargue de limpiar esos archivos que causan demoras en subir.


Jorge M.

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Posted on the from Jorge M.
Henrik H.
Henrik H.

I would be nice to (I think some of the idears need to get deeper than Objects):

1. Facebook Like button on products.

2. Products in a real database so other sites can use same products so it is possible to have a mobile- and a computer-site freindly.

3. "Full automated stock control" - YES, please!



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Posted on the from Henrik H.
Dominik N.
Dominik N.


The program WX5 Professional 11 missing me the opportunity to add to the level of "dynamic content" .pdf file directly from your computer (as you can do with images) I would be grateful if they added this feature!



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Posted on the from Dominik N.